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Sergo Tsiramua
Department of Informatics
School of Science and Technology

Electro technical Institute of Saint-Petersburg - Informatic - Doctor - 1884-01-01 - 1984-01-01
Tbilisi State University - Faculty of Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics - - 1970-01-09 - 1975-06-30
Georgian Technical University - IT - Doctor - 1999-01-01 - 1999-01-01
Google Scholar -
A system for the automated modeling of organizational design tasks for offshore drilling and oil/gas production departments - 0
Research of tunable systems consisting of functionally redundant elements. - 1982
The recurrence of the structure of tunable systems of interchangeable elements - 1982
Survivability of structural-dynamic polyergatic systems - 1982
To the synthesis of a universal element of a digital computer - 1982
On the issue of increasing the productivity of the metalworking team - 1982
Development of the functional control device of the “Electronics NC-31” - 1982
On the issue of increasing the survivability of polyergic systems due to the functional redundancy of operators - 1983
Quantitative analysis of the hierarchical system of variable structure according to the criterion of flexibility - 1983
Device for choosing connections - 1983
Increase survivability of polyergatic systems - 1983
Comparative analysis of one new backup method - 1984
About one accelerated method for determining the number of working states of complex systems - 1984
Device for determining the reliability of objects - 1984
Device for determining the reliability of objects - 1984
“Сабчота Сакартвело” - 1985
On the issue of optimizing the maneuverability of tunable polyergatic systems - 1986
Improving the efficiency of the ergatic system at a given enterprise - 1986
A model for assessing the survivability of polyergatic systems based on multifunctional elements - 1987
To the issue of synthesis of a multi-microprocessor system with a high level of reliability - 1987
Diagnostic equipment that determines reliability in the design process of complex computing systems - 1988
Reliability model of multifunctional elements - 1988
About one way to implement Boolean functions - 1988
Modeling the functioning of tunable human-machine systems - 1989
On the value of the responsibility factor of a human-operator - 1990
Structural reliability of ergatic systems operating in time-sharing mode - 1990
Managed arithmetic module - 1990
Managed arithmetic module - 1991
Designing of Highily Effective “Human-Computer” Systems, Based on Multifunctional Elements - 1993
Logical-probabilistic modeling of organizational design tasks for complex “Human-machine” systems based on multifunctional operators - 1994
Logical-probabilistic modeling of organizational tasks for complex "Human-machine" systems based on multifunctional operators - 1995
Automated modeling of the interchangeability of personnel in oil and gas complexes - 1997
Organizational design and personnel management of oil and gas facilities (assessment, selection, placement, replacement and interchangeability of personnel) - 1998
Computer System of Evaluation and Management of Multi-functional Staff of Agricultural Units - 1999
Computerized system supporting development of land market in Georgia - 2001
Logic-probabilistic modeling of reliability of complex systems - 2001
Logical-probabilistic model of risk assessment and analysis in the land registration system - 2003
Information system for registration of land and other real estate - 2004
Optimal Management of Ergatic Systems Based on Failure Risk Analysis - 2004
Logical-Probability Analysis of Risk in Credit System - 2004
LP-modeling, estimation, analisys and optimization of risk in systems with several states of elements - 2005
Development Perspectives of Common Information Area at Georgian Universities - 2005
Definition of the “weight” of elements in the information and communication system. - 2005
GIS Projects in Georgia - 2005
Geographic Information System MapInfo Professional - 2006
Logical-Probabilistic Model of Security Research for Corporate Computer Networks - 2006
Logical-Probabilistic Modeling, Optimization and Analysis - 2009
Logical-Probabilistic Modeling, Optimization and Analysis - 2009
Office software and Internet. Lecture Course - 2010
GeoInformatics Lecture/Practical Course - 2011
Geographic information technologies in tourism - 2011
Problems of a land cadastre in Georgia - 2012
Results of Kvemo Kartli Archaeological Tourism Potential Survey - 2012
Office software and Internet - 2012
WEBGIS and Mobile Technologies for Virtual Tourism Development in Georgia - 2013
Tourism mobile application “TravelGIS” - 2014
A Mobile Application of Regional Tourist Routes - 2015
Model of Reliability of Complex Multifunctional Systems - 2015
Quantitative Evaluation Models of the Structural Reliability of Complex Systems - 2015
Geo-information, WEB and Mobile platforms for Project “Discover Georgia in Your Village” - 2016
Geoinformatics based on MapInfo Professional. Lecture / Practical Course - 2017
Online Travel Guide TravelGIS - 2017
Application of innovative technologies in the preparation of tourism managers - 2017
The Elaboration Algorithm for selection and Functions Distribution of Multifunctional Personnel - 2017
The algorithm for the selection of multifunctional personnel and distribution of functions - 2017
System Reliability: Organizational design of highly reliable human-machine systems based on multifunctional operators - 2017
Geographic information technologies in tourism - 2018
Development of Method of Multifunctional Personnel Assessment Using a Topsis Method - 2018
Web and Geo-information Platforms of Touristic Resources - 2019
The Development of a Model for Decision Support System of Assessment and Selection of University Academic Staff - 2019
Logical-Probability Model of Reliability of Complex Systems Based on Multifunctional Elements - 2019
Logical-probabilistic Methods of Structural Analysis of Multifunctional Elements. - 2021
Optimal Management of Systems with Reconfigurable Structure - 2022
Biliki app – Travel Mobile Marketplace - 2022
Difference schemes of increased order of accuracy for systems of elliptic and parabolic equations with constant coefficients - 2023
Reconfigurable systems based on multifunctional elements - 2023
The Systems with Reconfigurable Structure Based on Multifunctional Elements - 2023
Logical-probabilistic Modeling and Structural Analysis of Reconfigurable Systems Composed of Multifunctional Elements - 2024
Scientific-technical conference “Efficiency of using machine tools with programmed control” - 24-03-1982
Scientific-technical conference “Efficiency of using machine tools with programmed control” - 24-03-1982
scientific-technical conference “Dynamic modeling of complex systems” - 14-10-1982
III conference on automatic control of young scientists of the Transcaucasian republics - 03-11-1982
Scientific-technical conference “Automation of scientific research, ergonomic design and testing of complex human-machine systems” - 16-02-1983
VII Symposium “Reliability of Human-Technical Systems” - 03-07-1984
Xth international conference “Reliability and diagnostics of computers, micro-computers and systems” - 19-05-1987
VIII Symposium “Efficiency, Quality, and Reliability of Human-Technique Systems” - 07-10-1987
Scientific-technical conference “Issues of development and use of computer technology on a microprocessor basis for industrial control systems” - 16-03-1988
XV Inter-regional Seminar “Ergonomics and Efficiency of Human-Technique Systems” - 05-06-1989
XVI Interregional Seminar “Ergonomics and Efficiency of Human-Technique Systems” - 18-09-1990
Fifth International Conference “Human-Computer Interaction” - 05-07-1993
II international conference “Development of the shelf of the Arctic seas of Russia” - 11-04-1995
Scientific-technical conference “Military electronics” - 21-06-1995
II scientific-technical conference, “Actual problems of the development of the oil and gas complex of Russia” - 24-09-1997
Second European Conference of the Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment - 27-09-1999
III European Conference of the Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment - 23-05-2001
7th Conference for ESRI & ERDAS Software Users - 12-09-2001
World Bank and USAID Workshop - 24-06-2002
8th International Conference on Geo-Information Systems Users - 09-10-2002
International Scientific School “Modeling and Analysis of Safety, Risk and Quality in Complex Systems” - 23-04-2003
International Scientific School “Modeling and Analysis of Safety, Risk and Quality in Complex Systems” - 21-04-2004
International Conference of Problems of Management and Energetic - 26-05-2004
International Scientific School “Modeling and Analysis of Safety, Risk and Quality in Complex Systems” - 01-06-2005
International Seminar in National Institute of Geophysics and Oceanography - 05-09-2005
EUNIS-2005 - 28-09-2005
VIth International Scientific School “Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems“ - 04-07-2006
Seminar on Business Administration Issues, USAID. USA. NC Research Triangle - 10-07-2006
Europian Computing Conference (ECC ’09) - 02-03-2009
3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI ’09) - 02-03-2009
Energy Development Project Management - 08-10-2009
2nd International Scientific-Practical Conference "Tourism: Economics and Business" - 04-06-2011
Tourism - Economics and Business - 06-06-2012
4th International Scientific-Practical Conference "Innovation in Tourism - Economics and Business" - 08-06-2013
International Scientific-Practical Conference "Tourism: Economics and Business" - 05-07-2014
Tourism Management - 27-04-2015
XXIII International Scientific-technical Conference, Trans&MOTAUTO ’15, Section III: Transport - 24-06-2015
VII International Scientific-practical Conference "Internet and Society" - 10-07-2015
Tourism Development Trends - Problems and Prospects - 06-05-2016
Regional problems and prospects of development of tourism - 23-02-2017
Problems and Prospects of Regional Tourism Development - 23-02-2017
International Scientific-Practical Internet Conference "Problems of Regional Tourism and Perspective for Development" - 19-04-2017
VIII International Scientific Practical Conference "Internet and Society" - 07-07-2017
International Scientific Conference on the “Actual Problems of modern Natural and Economic Sciences” - 04-05-2019
ERASMUS+ Week - 12-05-2019
X Scientific Conference of the Union of Mathematicians of Georgia - 02-09-2019
XI Scientific Conference of the Union of Mathematicians of Georgia - 30-08-2021
XI International Conference on Social Research and Behavioral Sciences - 10-06-2022
XII Scientific Conference of the Union of Mathematicians of Georgia - 29-08-2022
XII Scientific Conference of the Union of Mathematicians of Georgia - 29-08-2022
XIII Scientific Conference of the Union of Mathematicians of Georgia - 04-09-2023
XIII Scientific Conference of the Union of Mathematicians of Georgia - 04-09-2023
Computer Science and Information Technologies - 25-09-2023
IISES International Academic Conference, Lerning and Education - 20-05-2024
Scientific Projects  
“Georgian Agricultural Development” – Land Registration Unit - 1998 - 2004
SETA - "Tbilisi Seismic Risk Assessment" - 2003 - 2005
Public Relations Program - 2006
Discover Georgia in your village - 2016-2017
Study of Cultural Heritage, Biodiversity and Tourism Potential of Tianeti Municipality - 2018
Civil Society for Cooperation and Support: Increasing Tourist Potential in Azerbaijan and Georgia Border Regions - 2019
Creation of computer software complex of logical-probabilistic methods of structural analysis of systems - 2023-2024
Geoinformation Systems-INFO5120 (  2005/2006; 2008/2009; 2012/2013; 2014/2015; 2018/2019; )
Visual Basic for Application (VBA)-INFO1230 (  2009/2010; 2011/2012; 2012/2013; 2014/2015; 2015/2016; )
Visual Basic for Application (VBA)-DENT5130 (  2009/2010; )
Geoinformatics-INFO1220 (  2005/2006; 2009/2010; 2011/2012; 2013/2014; 2014/2015; 2015/2016; 2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Geo-Information Systems (Arc GIS)-INFO1225 (  2013/2014; 2014/2015; 2015/2016; 2018/2019; )
Basics of Geoinformation Systems-INFO122000PR (  2007/2008; )
Geo-Informational Technologies in Tourism-HOST2090 (  2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Introduction in Programming (C++)-INFO1111 (  2012/2013; )
Econometrics-ECON6420 (  2009/2010; )
Epidemiological and Socio-statistical Research Methods-PHMA5240 (  2015/2016; )
Visual Programming (C#) I-INFO3250 (  2010/2011; )
Visual Programming (Visual basic)-INFO4215 (  2011/2012; 2012/2013; )
Modern information technologies-INFO7010 (  2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; )
Information and Communication Technologies-INFO5125 (  2008/2009; )
Research-STEM0001 (  2016/2017; )
Research practice in public health-MPHP6110 (  2019/2020; 2022/2023; )
Mathematical modelling-MATH7020 (  2018/2019; )
History of Development of Science and Technology-HIST1112 (  2008/2009; )
Basics of Managing Data Bases-INFO121000PR (  2007/2008; )
Database Management Systems I-INFO4110 (  2010/2011; )
Object Oriented Programming C++-INFO3131 (  2009/2010; )
Project Management-MGMT6130 (  2010/2011; 2012/2013; )
Logical Modelling of Complex Systems-INFO5221 (  2014/2015; 2015/2016; 2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; )
Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration-BUSN4200 (  2011/2012; )
Bachelor’s Thesis in Informatics-INFO4240 (  2010/2011; 2011/2012; )
IT in History-INFO4228 (  2020/2021; 2021/2022; )
MA Thesis in Informatics-INFO6240 (  2009/2010; )
Master Thesis in Public Policy and Administration-PUBL6200 (  2010/2011; )
Master Thesis in Public Administration-PUBL6300 (  2012/2013; )
MS Office and Internet-INFO1110 (  2007/2008; 2009/2010; 2010/2011; 2011/2012; 2012/2013; 2013/2014; )
MS Office and Internet-INFO1110400PR (  2007/2008; 2008/2009; 2009/2010; 2010/2011; 2011/2012; )
Office Programms and Internet-INFO5101 (  2004/2005; 2005/2006; )
MS Office-INFO1113 (  2014/2015; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; )
MS Office-INFO1115 (  2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; )
Office Systems-INFO1112 (  2012/2013; 2014/2015; 2015/2016; 2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Structural analysis of systems-INFO6340 (  2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Structural programming (C++)-INFO2220 (  2009/2010; )
Object Oriented Programming (C++)-INFO222000PR (  2009/2010; )
History and Philosophy of Development of Technical Thought -HIST1111 (  2010/2011; )
History of development of technical society-HIST111100PR (  2008/2009; )
Introduction in Technology-INFO3267 (  2017/2018; )
Office Systems-INFO1112
Sergo Tsiramua - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at School of Science and Technology of the University of Georgia. Sergo Tsiramua has published monographs, textbooks, practical courses, as well as numerous scientific articles. Has participated in international scientific conferences in Georgia, USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Baltic republics. He has been trained in topics such as information technologies, geographic information technologies (GIS), geophysics information systems theory and practice, project management, tourism management. He is the founder of nonprofit organization Tourism Geo-information Center, a member of the Computer Society of Georgia, a member of the Georgian Mathematics Union. He is consultant of World Bank (WB) , a participant in the USAID Public Relations Program, member of International European Association "Information Technology in Agriculture and Food Industry" (EFITA), member of International School "Security of complex systems, the quality of risk analysis and modeling". He was awarded the title of "Best Professor" at the University of Georgia. He was awarded the Order of Honor in the field of university education.

Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
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Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
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