Irma Makaradze
Invited Lecturer
Department of European Languages and Philology
School of Arts and Humanities
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University - Faculty of Humanities - Doctor - 2009-09-15 - 2017-11-30
Specific Features of Portraying Main Characters in Rustaveli’s “The Man in the Panther Skin” - 2007
“The Trace of “The ladder of Divine Ascend” by John Climacus in Shota Rustaveli’s “The Man in the Panther’s Skin” - 2014
“All saint’s Chants" by Christopher of Mytilene - 2014
The Oriental Sources of Shakespeare and the Problem of "Cymbeline’s" Source - 2015
The Problem of Interaction between the Soul and Body and the Literary Tradition - 2015
The Logical Terminology of the Georgian Translations of The Ladder of Divine Ascend by John Climacus - 2015
Structure of “The Ladder of Divine Ascend” by John Climacus - 2015
The Importance of the Georgian Translations of "The Ladder of Divine Ascent" by John Climacus for Georgian and Byzantine Philology - 2016
The Medieval Georgian Translations of "The Ladder of Divine Ascent" by John Climacus - 2016
The plausible Way of “The Man in a Panther-Skin” to 17th century English Dramaturgy - 2017
Medieval Byzantine Story Barlaam and Ioasaph; Changes in Its Scholarly Investigation and Further Perspective of the Study Problem - 2018
For the Issue of the Sources of The Story of Barlaam and Ioasaph - 2021
The Unknown Material in the British Archives - 2022
International Symposium: “Georgian Manuscript 90” - 19-09-2009
7th Annual International Conference on Literature - 09-06-2014
30th Annual Conference: „Medieval Identities“ - 23-01-2015
"Shakespeare 450" - 01-05-2015
The World Congress in Medieval Studies - 06-07-2015
7th International Symposium on Kartvelian Studies - 17-10-2016
The 15th Annual International Caucasian Session in Memory of St. Grigol Peradze – Georgian Civilization from Antiquity to Middle Ages - 06-12-2016
nnovations in XXI Century Literary Studies" - 05-10-2017
Elene Metreveli 100 - 13-12-2017
Innovations in XXI Century Literary Studies - 26-09-2019
“Winter School in Kartvelian/Georgian Studies - 2016” - 01.02.2016 - 29.02.2016
“The Man in the Panther Skin" with Commentaries Based on Modern Rustavelian Studies” - 01.05.2015 - 05.05.2018
“International Summer School in Kartvelian/Georgian Studies” - 01.06.2014 - 31.08.2014
“7th International Symposium on Kartvelian Studies” - 06.09.2016 - 14.09.2016
“The Trace of "The Man in The Panther Skin" in Shakespeare's Legacy and in Shakespearean Sources” - 12.12.2013 - 12.12.2016
The Relationship between the Georgian and Greek Versions of the "History of Barlaam and Joasaph" - 2022-2024
International Winter School in Kartvelian/Georgian Studies - 2016” - 29.10.2018 - 25.03.2019
Georgian literature development trends (V-XVIII centuries)-KART5131 (
Georgian literature development trends (XIX centuries)-KART5220 (
History of Georgian Literature II-KART2131 (
history of georgian literature-KART1230 (
history of georgian literature-KART1230
History of Georgian Literature II-KART2131