Maia Tsiramua – Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor.
Since 2005 Ms. Maia Tsiramua has been working at the Psychosocial and Medical Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims (GCRT). She is a member of The European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS), the member of Georgian Psychotrauma Society (GSP) and a co-founder of Georgian Association of Body Psychotherapy (GABP).
Since 2014 Ms. Maia has been involved in the licensed training program “Clinical and Organizational Supervision”. Since 2015 she is a certified Clinical Supervisor and works with various local and international organizations for the organizational strengthening.
Ms. Maia Tsiramua is an expert on juvenile issues of the National Mechanisms for the Prevention of the Public Defender. As an expert and trainer Ms. Tsiramua has collaborated at various times with the following international organizations – UNICEF, World Vision, PH International, EU funded project “Support to the Criminal Justice System Reform in Georgia” implemented by “Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG”, Council of Europe Office in Georgia, SOS Children’s Villages Georgia, International Organization for Migration, Equality Now.
Ms. Tsiramua is the author and co-author of several publications and practitioners’ manuals.
She is a writer. Her novel – “Goodbye, Uncle Gershwin” – became the best literary debut in 2020 in the winning nomination of the literary competition “SABA”.