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Ann Margvelashvili
Head of Doctoral Program in Dentistry
Department of Stomatology
,School of Health Sciences

Tbilisi State Medical Univeristy - Stomatological Faculty - Bachelor - 1999-01-09 - 2004-10-06
Erasmus Mundus - Quaternary and Prehistory - Master - 2004-01-10 - 2006-10-09
University of Zurich - Anthropological Institute and Museum - Doctor - 2007-09-17 - 2016-04-22
Hominin upper first molar morphology through geometric morphometric analysis. - 2006
The morphological aspects of the Dmanisi hominids dental remains - 2006
Hominid fossils from Dmanisi and their place among the early hominids - 2007
Dental evidence on the hominin dispersals during the Pleistocene - 2008
Dental remains from Dmanisi (Republic of Georgia): Morphological analysis and comparative study. - 2008
Gli Omini dei Atapuerca. Sima de los Huesos e le Origini dei Neandertaliani - 2009
Dmanisi hominin dentognathic variation: phylogeny, pathology or in-vivo compensatory mechanisms? - 2010
The Gran Dolina-TD6 Human Fossil Remains and the Origin of Neanderthals - 2011
Dentoalveolar remodeling in hominoids. - 2011
A Complete skull from Dmanisi, Georgia and the Evolutionary Biology of Early Homo - 2013
Tooth wear and dentoalveolar remodeling are key factors of morphological variation in the Dmanisi mandibles - 2013
Mastication-related and age-related changes in the dentognathic apparatus of hominoids. - 2013
Age-related changes of the occlusal surface geometry in humans and great apes. - 2013
Response to Comment on "A Complete skull from Dmanisi, Georgia and the Evolutionary Biology of Early Homo" - 2014
Comparative analysis of dentognathic pathologies in the Dmanisi Mandibles. - 2016
Digging in the museum: Preliminary report on three unpublished Neanderthal teeth from Cariguela Cave (Pinar, Granada, Spain) - 2016
Skull 5 from Dmanisi: Descriptive anatomy, comparative studies, and evolutionary significance. - 2017
Probing the biological conditions for modern phonologies: The late emergence of labiodentals. - 2017
Variation among the Dmanisi hominins: Multiple taxa or one species? - 2018
The dental proteome of Homo antecessor - 2020
Dmanisi hominins and their behavior revealed by dentition - 2021
Hyposalivation and oral health status among the Georgian population - 2021
The Dmanisi hominins and the story told by their bones - 2021
An ancient cranium from Dmanisi: Evidence for interpersonal violence, disease, and possible predation by carnivores on Early Pleistocene Homo - 2022
Bio-Medical Imaging and Its Application Beyond Clinical Medicine - 2022
Frontal sinuses and human evolution - 2022
Les sinus frontaux au cours de l’évolution humaine - 2023
Fight for Survival - 2023
101st annual scientific meeting of Academy of Prosthodontics - 29-05-2019
The public lecture series – Encounters with our past: Seminars in Prehistory - 05-05-2021
The public lecture series – Anthropology talks - 10-06-2021
The 1st International Conference, Translational and Clinical Medicine - 06-05-2022
109th FDI World Dental Congress - 17-09-2022
Dmanisi-Olduvai: bridging Africa and Europe - 20-09-2022
Dmanisi-Olduvai: bridging Africa and Europe - 20-09-2022
Anthropological and Sociological Initiatives of the Ateneo (ASIA) - 28-10-2022
Scientific Projects  
Study of the fossil hominin remains from the new excavation areas of the Plio-Pleistocene site of Dmanisi (Georgia) - 2014-2015
The Dmanisi project: promoting new excavations, and new scientific career models. - 2014-2017
Systematization of anthropological collections from Georgian prehistoric (Dmanisi fossil Homo) and historical sites (Mtskheta) - 2015-2018
Expansion of Dmanisi archaeological site excavations - 2019-2022
Dmanisi hominin dentognathics - 2021-დღემდე/ongoing
Ann Margvelashvili has a Ph.D. in Natural Sciences from the University of Zurich and an Erasmus Mundus Master's degree in Quaternary and Prehistory. She graduated from the Stomatological Faculty of Tbilisi State Medical University. She has published research papers in leading international journals. Ann is a participant of international conferences. She has practical experience in management, leadership, and general management, as she has been leading the Dmanisi International Paleoanthropology Field School since 2009. Dr. Margvelashvili has experience of scientific work and the experience of consulting students, as for she taught at the University of Zurich from 2010 to 2016. From 2021 at Tbilisi State University, and at the same time, since 2009, he has been lecturing at the Paleoanthropological Field School of Dmanisi. From 2021, she is co-supervising several PhD students.

Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
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Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
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