Ann Margvelashvili
Head of Doctoral Program in Dentistry
Department of Stomatology
,School of Health Sciences
Tbilisi State Medical Univeristy - Stomatological Faculty - Bachelor - 1999-01-09 - 2004-10-06
Erasmus Mundus - Quaternary and Prehistory - Master - 2004-01-10 - 2006-10-09
University of Zurich - Anthropological Institute and Museum - Doctor - 2007-09-17 - 2016-04-22
Hominin upper first molar morphology through geometric morphometric analysis. - 2006
The morphological aspects of the Dmanisi hominids dental remains - 2006
Hominid fossils from Dmanisi and their place among the early hominids - 2007
Dental evidence on the hominin dispersals during the Pleistocene - 2008
Dental remains from Dmanisi (Republic of Georgia): Morphological analysis and comparative study. - 2008
Gli Omini dei Atapuerca. Sima de los Huesos e le Origini dei Neandertaliani - 2009
Dmanisi hominin dentognathic variation: phylogeny, pathology or in-vivo compensatory mechanisms? - 2010
The Gran Dolina-TD6 Human Fossil Remains and the Origin of Neanderthals - 2011
Dentoalveolar remodeling in hominoids. - 2011
A Complete skull from Dmanisi, Georgia and the Evolutionary Biology of Early Homo - 2013
Tooth wear and dentoalveolar remodeling are key factors of morphological variation in the Dmanisi mandibles - 2013
Mastication-related and age-related changes in the dentognathic apparatus of hominoids. - 2013
Age-related changes of the occlusal surface geometry in humans and great apes. - 2013
Response to Comment on "A Complete skull from Dmanisi, Georgia and the Evolutionary Biology of Early Homo" - 2014
Comparative analysis of dentognathic pathologies in the Dmanisi Mandibles. - 2016
Digging in the museum: Preliminary report on three unpublished Neanderthal teeth from Cariguela Cave (Pinar, Granada, Spain) - 2016
Skull 5 from Dmanisi: Descriptive anatomy, comparative studies, and evolutionary significance. - 2017
Probing the biological conditions for modern phonologies: The late emergence of labiodentals. - 2017
Variation among the Dmanisi hominins: Multiple taxa or one species? - 2018
The dental proteome of Homo antecessor - 2020
Dmanisi hominins and their behavior revealed by dentition - 2021
Hyposalivation and oral health status among the Georgian population - 2021
The Dmanisi hominins and the story told by their bones - 2021
An ancient cranium from Dmanisi: Evidence for interpersonal violence, disease, and possible predation by carnivores on Early Pleistocene Homo - 2022
Bio-Medical Imaging and Its Application Beyond Clinical Medicine - 2022
Frontal sinuses and human evolution - 2022
Les sinus frontaux au cours de l’évolution humaine - 2023
Fight for Survival - 2023
101st annual scientific meeting of Academy of Prosthodontics - 29-05-2019
The public lecture series – Encounters with our past: Seminars in Prehistory - 05-05-2021
The public lecture series – Anthropology talks - 10-06-2021
The 1st International Conference, Translational and Clinical Medicine - 06-05-2022
109th FDI World Dental Congress - 17-09-2022
Dmanisi-Olduvai: bridging Africa and Europe - 20-09-2022
Dmanisi-Olduvai: bridging Africa and Europe - 20-09-2022
Anthropological and Sociological Initiatives of the Ateneo (ASIA) - 28-10-2022
Study of the fossil hominin remains from the new excavation areas of the Plio-Pleistocene site of Dmanisi (Georgia) - 2014-2015
The Dmanisi project: promoting new excavations, and new scientific career models. - 2014-2017
Systematization of anthropological collections from Georgian prehistoric (Dmanisi fossil Homo) and historical sites (Mtskheta) - 2015-2018
Expansion of Dmanisi archaeological site excavations - 2019-2022
Dmanisi hominin dentognathics - 2021-დღემდე/ongoing