Gvantsa Shavardenidze
Invited Lecturer
Department of Matematics
School of Science and Technology
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University - The faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences - Bachelor - 2011-05-09 - 2015-07-23
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University - The faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences - Master - 2015-09-13 - 2017-07-19
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University - The faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences - - 2018-09-16 -
On the convergence of Cesàro means of negative order of Vilenkin-Fourier series - 2019
Seminar on Dyadic Analysis and Applications - 25-09-2014
Georgian-Hungarian joint workshop on Dyadic analysis and related fields - 08-06-2015
Seminar on Dyadic Analysis and Applications - 04-04-2016
Georgian-Hungarian joint workshop on Dyadic analysis and related fields - 30-05-2017
XXXIII Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of VIAM - 23-04-2019
The 12th International ISAAC Congress - 27-07-2019
Summer School on Dyadic Harmonic Analysis, Martingales, and Paraproducts - 02-09-2019
Microlocal and global analysis in geometry and mathematical physics - 10-02-2020
On the convergence of Cesaro means of negative order of double Vilenkin-Fourier series of Functions of Generalized Bounded Variation - 2016
Calculus II-MATH1166 (
Calculus I-MATH1115 (
Introduction to Mathematics and Statistics-MATH1119E (
Mathematical Methods II-MATH1218E (
Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry-MATH1123 (
Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry-MATH1123E (
Calculus I-MATH1115
Calculus II-MATH1166
Introduction to Mathematics and Statistics-MATH1119E
Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry-MATH1123E