Nino Berishvili
Invited Lecturer
Law Department
School of Law
Tbilisi State Academy of Arts - Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art - - 09/01/1990 - 07/02/1996
Helpful Guide for Teaching Formal Debate - 2013
Debates and Critical Thinking-LAWB1155 (
Debates and Critical Thinking-LAWB1155
Nino Berishvili is an invited lecturer, leading a course on debate and critical thinking. She serves as the Chairperson of the Georgian Educational Debate Association and is a specialist in debate teaching methodologies, as well as a trainer and coach. Since 1998, she has collaborated with the Open Society - Georgia's Carl Popper Debate Program, where her primary focus was promoting the creation of debate clubs in schools and universities across Georgia, training trainers, organizing debate tournaments, and advocating for debate as both an educational tool and a game.
Since 2004, Nino has been the author and director of projects funded by the European Commission Delegation, the World Bank, and other donor organizations. Over the years, she has published several textbooks on debate techniques, including The Art of Debate (1999), Constructive Debate (2006), Youth Chooses (2008), and Supporting Debate Teaching (2013), which are used in debate clubs.
Additionally, Nino Berishvili is an expert in education, particularly in the development of national curricula, the implementation of state standards, and the authorization of schools. She is also a co-author of a griffed school textbook on the subject of Fine and Applied Arts.