Data Kekutia
Invited Lecturer
On Going
Department of Medicine
School of Health Sciences
Vilnius University - Medicine - - 08/31/2022 - 07/07/2023
Tbilisi State Medical University - Faculty of Medicine - - 09/20/0017 - 03/01/2024
Ilia State University - Public health and health policy (ENG) - On Going - 09/20/2024 - 06/05/2026
After diagnosis guide for parents - 2020
Surgical Skills Workshop - 29-09-2018
DNA Day - 25-04-2021
Challenges of Neurology and Neurosurgery in the 21st Century - 21-10-2021
Blepharoplasty, Buccal Fat Removal (Bichectomy), and Lip Lift - 06-11-2021
Arterial Hypertension in Children - 19-02-2022
Scientific-Research Project, Dissemination of Research Results, Ethical Issues in Research, Ways to Avoid Plagiarism and Information Technologies in Science - 11-03-2022
Allergology and Clinical Immunology - 04-05-2022
Medicine and Public Health - 04-06-2022
7th International Health Sciences Conference - 30-03-2023
Basic pharmacology I-MD233140E (
General Medicine and Diagnostics-DENT3220 (
Basic pharmacology I-MD233140E
General Medicine and Diagnostics-DENT3220