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Mariam Gogichadze
Department of Medicine
School of Health Sciences

- - - 1966-01-01 - 1971-01-01
I.Beritashvili Institute of Ohysiology - Neurophysiology - Doctor - 1971-01-01 - 1975-01-01
Goverment University of Tbilisi - Biology.physiology of human and animals/neuriphysiology - Doctor - 1979-10-15 - 2005-06-05
Google Scholar -
Изменения некоторых электрографических показателей структуры цикла бодрствование-сон кошек на фоне алкоголизации и отмене этанола. - 0
About functional differentiation of Amygdala - 0
Influence of COVID-19 Conditions on Sleep Alterations of Georgian and Foreign Students at the University of Georgia: A Cross Sectional Study - 0
Behavioral and electrencephalographic effects of stimulation of nucleus caudatus head - 1972
Influence of electrolytic lesion of nucleus caudatus on the conditioning activity and sleep-wakefulness cycle - 1975
About correlation of electrical activity of sensory-motor cortex and nucleus caudatus - 1975
Influence of stimulation and lesion of the nucleus caudatus on the cortical electrical activity and sleep-wakefulness cycle - 1975
Influence of low frequency electrical stimulation of the nucleus caudatus on the cortical electrical activity and sleep-wakefulness cycle activity - 1976
Activation and inactivation of feeding conditioning reflex in response of subcortical structures stimulation - 1976
Dynamics of excitability of caudatus nucleus in different phases of the sleep - wakefulness cycle s - 1976
About the role of nucleus caudatus in regulation of sleep-wakefulness cycle - 1979
Dynamics of electrical activity of amygdala lateral and medial parts during different emotional level - 1980
Eeletctrophysiological study of subcortical nucleai in feeding behavior - 1980
Role of nucleus caudatus in regulation of sleep-wakefulness cycle - 1984
Influence of alcohol intoxication on the sleep-wakefulness cycle in lab.animals - 1986
Dynamics of electrical activity of the nucleus caudatus in the sleep wakefulness c - 1987
The effect of alcohol intoxication on the structure of sleep-wakefulness cycle. - 1988
Influence of ethanol different doses on the sleep-wakefulness cycle structure of the cats - 1989
Effect of different doses of ethanol on elaboration of the defensive behavior in rats - 1994
Effects of bilateral isolation of amygdala on the sleep-wakefulness cycle structure in alcoholized animals - 1999
Influence of short-term alcoolisation on the dynamics of some cortical electrical activity and REM in sleep-wakefulness cycle of the cat - 1999
Влияние высоких доз этанола на спонтанную электрическую активность коры и структуру цикла бодрствование-сон. - 1999
О функциональной дифференциации амигдалы крыс. - 1999
Effect of activation and inactivation of the brain opiate receptors on the sleep-wakefulness cycle - 2000
Influence of Cyclodole on the Sleep-Waking Cycle in Cats. - 2000
Dynamics of some parameters of cortical electrical activity in sleep-wakefulness cycle during alcoholization - 2000
Dynamics of the level of excitability and activity of the brainstem and diencephalic ascending activity structures in the sleep-wakefulness cycle - 2001
Effect of Plaferon-LB on Morphine Induced Structural Changes in Sleep-Waking Cycle. - 2001
Modulating effects of Plaferon-LB on the structure of Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle - 2001
High doses ethanol effects on the structure of the sleep-wakefulness cycle in rats - 2002
. Effect of Tramadol and Nalbufin on the Structure of Cat’s Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle - 2002
Effects of Short-Term Alcoholization on the Sleep-Wakefulness Structure in the Cats - 2002
Influence of amytriptiline and moclobomide on the Sleep-wakefulness cycle in cats - 2002
Influence of some Analgesics on the Structure of Sleep-Waking Cycle - 2002
, Effect of morphine on general behavior and sleep-wakefulness cycle structure in cats. - 2003
What is an antagonistic profile of Naloxon against Tramadol effects? - 2003
Neurophysiological and neurochemical aspects of Nalbuphine-induced disorders of sleep-wakefulness structural cycle - 2003
Dependence of REM sleep latency on the level of prior wakefulness. - 2003
Influence of Nialamide on sleep-wakefulness cycle and correction of side effects through the regulation of brain metabolism - 2003
Effect of Selective and Complete REM Sleep Deprivation on the Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle Structure in Depressive Outpatients - 2003
- 2004
Effects of different doses of ethanol on the elaboration of active avoidance reaction in rats. - 2004
Influence of acute administration of high doses of ethanol on some features of the sleep-wakefulness cycle in rats - 2004
Effect of Plaferon-LB on dynamics of sleep parameters during Morphine administration. - 2004
The role of the opiod system in regulation of sleep-wakefulness cycle. - 2005
Effects of social isolation and partial light deprivation on the procession of learning and memory trace consolidation in rats. - 2006
- 2006
Influence of opioid system antagonistes on learning and memory trace consolidation in the rats. - 2006
About participation of nucleus caudatus in regulation of slow wave sleeep - 2006
"Depressive" rat's learning under the action of amitriptyline - 2007
Cognitive deficit in the animal model of depression - 2008
Sleep Disorders after Bilateral Damage of the Basolateral Amygdala - 2008
- 2008
- 2009
Dynamics of electrical activity of the caudate nucleus in the sleep-wakefulness cycle - 2009
Sleep disorders and disturbances in memory processing related to the lesion of the caudate nucleus - 2009
The Effects of Inactivation of Endogenous Opioid System on the Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle - 2010
- 2010
Comparative study of memory processing in “depressive” and “non-depressive” rats using passive avoidance test at one-time activation or inactivation of opioid system - 2010
The Amygdala and the Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle. - 2010
- 2010
- 2010
- 2010
Brain integrative activity in “depressive” and “non-depressive” rat - 2012
The signs of depression in” depressive” and” non-depressive” rats–Correlation with density of μ-receptors in the brain structures - 2013
Influence of the different doses of ethanol on the integrative activity of the brain - 2013
Dorsomedial amygdala and motivational-emotional aspects of sleep-wakefulness cycle. Collection of papers –Neurobiology of emotions, mind and sleep-wakefulness cycle. - 2013
Development of Tolerance to Ethanol in the Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle. - 2013
The signs of depressiveness in “depressive” and “non-depressive” rats - correlation with density of µ-receptors in the brain structures - 2013
Alterations of the Structure of the Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle at Development Tolerance to Ethanol - 2013
Basolateral Amygdala and Motivational-Emotional Behavior. - 2013
- 2014
- 2015
Effects of low and high frequency electrical stimulation on the structure of sleep-wakefulness cycle. - 2017
- 2017
Effects of a Gut Microbiome Toxin, p-Cresol, on the Indices of Social Behavior in Rats. - 2018
Sleep disorders and the memory processing at ethanol administration - 2018
Basolateral Amigdala and motivational and emotional behavio - 2018
Alcoholism – neuro-pathophysiology, health promotion challenges - 2019
Alcoholism – neuro-pathophysiology, health promotion challenges - 2019
Investigation of Sleep Patterns in the UG Foreign Students Regarding to Stressogenic Factors and Depression (Pilot Study)” - 2020
Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on the student’s sleep patterns at the University of Georgia - 2022
Neurophysiologic Processes of Memory in Dreams. 2022; - 2022
Influence of COVID-19 Conditions on Sleep Alterations of Georgian and Foreign Students at the University of Georgia: A Cross Sectional Study - 2023
- 01-01-1900
- 01-01-1900
Congress of Physiological Society of USSR - 25-09-1975
Current problems of electrophysiology - 16-09-1980
Current problems of biology - 18-09-1980
Striatum and behavior in the norm and pathology - 10-10-1984
Neorobiology of sleep-wakefulness cycle - 26-05-1986
Сconference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of I.Beritashvili Institute - 25-09-1986
Society of USSR Physiologists - 27-09-1987
Neurobiology of Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle - 10-06-1994
Health and medication - 25-09-2004
XII European Neurological Congress - 22-08-2008
Fundamental Questions of Neuroscience (“9th Gagra Talks - 07-10-2010
5th World Congress on Sleep Medicine - 28-09-2013
22nd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society - 16-09-2015
7th World Congress of the World Sleep Federation - 30-10-2015
World Sleep Congress - 07-10-2017
WASM - 16-03-2022
X Congress of ASRS - 29-03-2023
Human Body - Structure and Function III-MD2110E (  2017/2018; 2022/2023; )
Human Body - Structure and Function III-MD232110E (  2023/2024; )
Human Body - Structure and Function II-MD1210E (  2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; )
Human Body - Structure and Function I-MD231110E (  2023/2024; )
Human Body - Structure and Function IV-MD2210E (  2017/2018; 2018/2019; )
Human Physiology-NRSI1220 (  2016/2017; )
Human Physiology-NRSI1220E (  2013/2014; 2014/2015; 2015/2016; 2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; )
Neurology (Rotation)-MD4220E (  2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; )
Pathophysiology-NRSI2120E (  2016/2017; 2017/2018; )
Human Body - Structure and Function III-MD232110E
Georgia since 2015, full professor (2021); PhD (1979), Doctor of Biological Sciences (2005). Leads courses in human physiology within the framework of the English-language program at the undergraduate level. Scientific activities are focused in the field of neuroscience. At the University of Georgia, under her leadership, the study of sleep parameters of foreign students in correlation with depression and stressful factors is underway. At the base of the Scientific Center of Ilia State University - "Sleep-Wake Cycle Researcher T.Oniani Laboratory", where she is a leading researcher, she is involved in studies of the sleep-wake cycle, learning/memory processes, addiction mechanisms. She has published up to 85 scientific works. She participates in the work of international scientific congresses; has experience of working in scientific, including international, grant-funded projects ISTC research grant - G-391; Program SCOPES, Institutional Partnership Project – IZ74Zo_1374159 (Switzerland). She has a husband and two children.

Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
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Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
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