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Kakhaber Tavzarashvili
Director of the Center for Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence

School of Science and Technology

Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) - Department of Physics - Master - 1991-01-09 - 1996-06-30
Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) - Department of Physics - Doctor - 1996-01-09 - 1999-01-10
Google Scholar -
1 - 1998
The Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS) - solution of propagation, diffraction and inverse problem using MAS - 2000
Wave field singularity aspects in large-size scatterers and inverse problems - 2002
Study of Metallic Nanoshelled Structures with Rigorous Electromagnetic Analysis - 2007
Sharp Trench Waveguide Bend with Photonic Crystals: Simulation, Fabrication and Characterization - 2007
Adaptive MBPE Algorithm for Speeding up the Computation - 2007
Personal Communication Systems (PCS) Antenna with Managed Radiation Characteristics and Study of its Interaction with the User - 2007
Model-Based Parameter Estimation (MBPE) for metallic photonic crystal filters - 2007
Metallic and Dielectric Photonic Crystal Filter Design using MMP and MBPE Methods - 2007
Method of Auxiliary Sources and Model-Based Parameter Estimation for the Computation of Periodic Structures - 2007
Numerical analysis of channel plasmon polaritons enhanced optical antennas - 2008
Comparison of numerical methods for the analysis of plasmonic structures - 2009
The Method of Auxiliary Sources Approach to Modeling of Electromagnetic Field Scattering on Two-Dimensional Periodic Structures - 2011
Enhancing Plasma Density through Periodic Dielectric Grating Structures-Numerical Simulations - 2024
1st Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures, ETH - 01-07-2005
Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory MMET-06 - 01-06-2006
2nd Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures - 01-07-2006
3th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures - 01-07-2007
3th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures - 01-07-2007
3th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures - 01-07-2007
4th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures - 01-07-2008
4th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures - 01-07-2008
4th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures - 01-07-2008
5th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures - 01-07-2009
Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory DIPED-2009 - 01-09-2009
6th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures - 01-07-2010
Photonics Global Conference PGC-2010 - 01-12-2010
Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, DIPED 2011 - 01-09-2011
International Conference on Nanotechnology, Optoelectronics and Photonics ICNOP 2011 - 01-11-2011
III International Conference Of The Georgian Mathematical Union - 01-01-2012
The XXth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED-2015) - 01-01-2015
VI Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union - 01-01-2015
Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET), 2016 IEEE - 01-01-2016
Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET), 2016 IEEE - 01-01-2016
2019 XXIVth International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED) - 12-09-2019
Scientific Projects  
Nanoparticles for Cancer treatment: hyperthermia at the cellular scale. Researcher - 2012-2015
Modernization of Mathematics Curricula for Engineering and Natural Sciences in South Caucasian Universities by Introducing Modern Educational Technologies - 2013-2017
A Network for Developing Lifelong Learning in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine - 2014-2018
Computer Simulation and Analysis of Plasmonic Nano Antennas - 2015-2018
(Modernization of Environment Protection Studies Programmes for Armenia and Georgia – ) - 2019-2021
- 2019-2021
Interdisciplinary study of electromagnetic wave propagation in plasma and metamaterial composite - 2023-2025
Interdisciplinary study of fluid flow in porous material through multiphase numerical simulation and experiment. - 2023-2026
Micro-credentials for Higher Education systems of Georgia and Armenia: South Caucasus lighthouse project. - 2024-2027
ICT Project Management-INFO5223 (  2017/2018; )
Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning-MATH1414 (  2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; 2024/2025; )
Antenna Theory-PHYS5120 (  2016/2017; 2023/2024; )
Computational Electrodynamics 1-PHYS5121 (  2016/2017; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Computation and Programming-INFO5113 (  2016/2017; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Programming for Engineers - Python-EENG1111 (  2023/2024; )
Programming for Engineers - Python-EENG1111E (  2023/2024; )
Introduction in Programming (C++)-INFO1111 (  2016/2017; )
Introduction in Programming (C++)-INFO1111E (  2016/2017; )
Electronics 1-EENG5110 (  2016/2017; )
Fundamentals of Electronicss-EENG1120E (  2021/2022; )
E-Learning Management Systems-INFO7110 (  2022/2023; )
Modern Operating Systems-EENG4134E (  2016/2017; )
Modern technologies-STEM0005 (  2022/2023; 2023/2024; 2024/2025; )
Calculus I-MATH1115E (  2016/2017; )
Research-STEM0001 (  2016/2017; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; )
Quantitative Methods of Research-MATH 7010 (  2019/2020; )
Fundamentals of quantitative research methods-MATH1214 (  2015/2016; )
Computational reasoning-STEM0011 (  2023/2024; 2024/2025; )
-STEM0011 (  2022/2023; )
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering-EENG2213 (  2016/2017; )
Fundamentals of Computer Engineering-EENG2213E (  2017/2018; )
Computer Networks II-INFO3210 (  2011/2012; 2013/2014; )
Computer Network I-INFO3110 (  2011/2012; 2012/2013; )
Computer Network I-INFO3110E (  2019/2020; )
-STEM0014 (  2023/2024; 2024/2025; )
Mathematics for Business and Economics I-MATH1217 (  2016/2017; )
Introduction to Mathematics and Statistics-MATH1119E (  2014/2015; 2015/2016; )
Mathematical Methods II-MATH1218 (  2016/2017; )
Mathematical modelling-MATH7020 (  2020/2021; )
Introduction to Micro- and Nanooptics-PHYS5210 (  2017/2018; 2024/2025; )
Object Oriented Programming C++-INFO3131 (  2017/2018; )
Practice 1-EENG4236E (  2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2024/2025; )
Practice 2-EENG4237 (  2017/2018; )
MATLAB Programming-INFO4333 (  2014/2015; 2015/2016; )
Basics of Quantitative Research-MATH1110 (  2013/2014; )
Introduction to Quantitative Methods-MATH1215 (  2014/2015; )
Bachelor’s Thesis in Informatics-INFO4240 (  2013/2014; )
Bachelors Thesis in Mathematics-MATH4240 (  2015/2016; 2017/2018; 2019/2020; )
Bachelor thesis-EENG4011 (  2019/2020; )
Bachelor Project in Informatics-INFO4170 (  2015/2016; 2017/2018; )
Engineering Electromagnetics-EENG3115 (  2017/2018; 2018/2019; )
Engineering Electromagnetics-EENG3115E (  2017/2018; 2022/2023; )
Methods of Teaching ICT-INFO4330 (  2024/2025; )
IT in History-INFO4228 (  2019/2020; 2022/2023; )
Master Thesis-MATH5400 (  2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; )
Master Thesis-PHYS5400 (  2017/2018; )
MS Office and Internet-INFO1110 (  2011/2012; )
MS Office-INFO1113 (  2014/2015; )
Telecommunication Systems-EENG4128E (  2017/2018; )
Industrial Practice 3-EENG4238E (  2018/2019; )
Internship in Mathematics-MATH4213 (  2015/2016; )
Internship in Information Technology-INFO4231 (  2013/2014; )
Introduction to Sciences for Medicine-MD1020 (  2019/2020; )
Analytical and Quantitative Reasoning-MATH1414
Modern technologies-STEM0005
Computational reasoning-STEM0011
Introduction to Micro- and Nanooptics-PHYS5210
Practice 1-EENG4236E
Kakhaber Tavzarashvili. Director of the School of Science and Technology, Professor. He graduated from the Tbilisi State University (Georgia) with a PhD in Physics and Mathematics. He has conducted scientific research at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH-Zurich, Zurich. His main research interest is Computation Electrodynamics, Numerical Methods, and particularly Computer Simulation of Plasmonic Nano-structures. He has published about a hundred scientific papers, including 10 monographs in 10 journals, 2 monographs. Has many years of experience in managing and executing scientific projects. He is an expert of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation and National Center for Education Quality Development. Participated in international projects TEMPUS and ERASMUS. He is a member of IEEE form 2000 and Georgian Chapter chairmen form 2016. He is a certified instructor at Cisco Network Academy. He is the head / co-leader of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs. He has undergone many qualifying training both in Georgia and abroad. He has many years of experience working in pedagogy in physics, mathematics and computer science.

Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
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Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
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