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Revaz Tabatadze
Associate Professor
Quality Assurance Manager for English Language Programs in the School of Arts and Humanities
Department of European Languages and Philology
School of Arts and Humanities

- - Bachelor - 2012-03-09 - 2016-03-06
- - Master - 2016-01-09 - 2018-06-15
- - Bachelor - 2017-10-09 - 2018-06-15
The University of Georgia - Philology - Doctor - 2018-03-09 - 2021-08-16
Charles University - Faculty of Education - Doctor - 2021-06-09 - 2024-06-20
- 2014
- 2014
- 2015
- 2015
- 2016
- 2016
- 2016
- 2016
Persuasion as a Linguistic Mechanism in Political Discourse - 2017
Persuasion as a Linguistic Mechanism in Political Discourse - 2017
- 2018
- 2018
- 2019
- 2019
Light UP - 2019
Light UP - 2019
Georgian Computer Terminology - 2019
Georgian Computer Terminology - 2019
The Concept of “Business” in modern English and Georgian Languages - 2019
The Concept of “Business” in modern English and Georgian Languages - 2019
Culture, Knowledge and Experience-based Interpretation of Political Metaphors - 2020
Culture, Knowledge and Experience-based Interpretation of Political Metaphors - 2020
Linguo-Cultural Analysis of the Concept of “Freedom” - 2020
Linguo-Cultural Analysis of the Concept of “Freedom” - 2020
Some Transformations in the Linguistic Consciousness - 2021
Some Transformations in the Linguistic Consciousness - 2021
Some Peculiarities of Synthesizing Linguistic Paradigms - 2021
Some Peculiarities of Synthesizing Linguistic Paradigms - 2021
Lingocultural Analysis of the Concept - 2021
Lingocultural Analysis of the Concept - 2021
Some Changes in the Associative Dimension of the Concept - 2021
Some Changes in the Associative Dimension of the Concept - 2021
The Concept in Different Linguo-Cultures - 2021
The Concept in Different Linguo-Cultures - 2021
Neologisms in Political Discourse - 2022
Neologisms in Political Discourse - 2022
Shifts in the Associative Continuum of the Concept - 2022
Shifts in the Associative Continuum of the Concept - 2022
Georgia: The Transformation of National Curricula from the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic to the Republic of Georgia - 2022
Georgia: The Transformation of National Curricula from the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic to the Republic of Georgia - 2022
A Pragmatic Study and Dynamics of Gender Discourse - 2023
A Pragmatic Study and Dynamics of Gender Discourse - 2023
Teaching the Principles of Text Compression and Exploring Gender Differences in Eradicating Information Redundancy - 2023
Teaching the Principles of Text Compression and Exploring Gender Differences in Eradicating Information Redundancy - 2023
Linguocognitive analysis of the Concept “Freedom” - 2023
Linguocognitive analysis of the Concept “Freedom” - 2023
- 22-05-2015
- 30-05-2015
- 28-05-2016
- 29-05-2017
- 01-06-2018
- 20-12-2018
- 21-12-2018
- 28-05-2019
ICRESH 2020 International Conference on Recent Social Studies and Humanities - 05-06-2020
17th International Pragmatics Conference - 27-06-2020
7th International Conference on Research in Behavioral and Social Sciences - 22-10-2020
12th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences (HPSCONF) - 10-03-2021
9th International Conference on Social Research and Behavioral Sciences Symposium - 09-06-2021
8th International Conference on Research in Behavioral and Social Sciences - 21-09-2021
7th International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Education - 20-12-2022
13th International Conference on Social Research and Behavioral Sciences Symposium - 08-05-2023
International Conference on English Literature and Linguistics (ICELL-23) - 24-07-2023
International Conference on Aspects of Language Teaching and Learning (ICALTL – 23) - 02-08-2023
academic writting for scientific publication-LANG 7217 (  2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Academic Writing and Research-ACWR5110E (  2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Academic Writing and Research-KART5110 (  2020/2021; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Academic Writing for Philologists (Eng.)-ACWR5123 (  2020/2021; 2022/2023; )
Academic Writing for Philologists I-ACWR1210E (  2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Academic Writing-KART1220E (  2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Business Communication (Eng.)-ENGL6515 (  2020/2021; )
Language and Communication (Eng.)-LANC5219 (  2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Language and Society-LANS3215E (  2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Introduction to Linguistics-LING1112E (  2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; )
Introduction to Linguistics-LING1130 (  2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Introduction to Linguistics-LING1323E (  2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Theory of Language-LANT1210E (  2021/2022; )
Oral Practice II-OCOM1217E (  2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; )
Oral Practice I-OCOM1117E (  2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; )
General English II-ENGL1120E (  2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2023/2024; )
General English I-ENGL1110E (  2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2023/2024; )
English for Business Communication-BUSN2121 (  2021/2022; )
English Language B2+-ENGL5140 (  2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2022/2023; )
English Language I (A1)-ENGL1147 (  2016/2017; )
English Language for Philologists I (B1)-ENGL1140 (  2018/2019; )
English Language I-ENGL5134 (  2021/2022; )
English language for Philologists II (B2)-ENGL1240 (  2018/2019; )
English Language II-ENGL5335 (  2021/2022; 2022/2023; )
English Language III (B1/1)-ENGL2145 (  2016/2017; 2017/2018; )
English Language III (B1/1)-ENGL2147 (  2016/2017; 2017/2018; )
English language IV (B1/2)-ENGL2215 (  2016/2017; )
English language IV (B1/2)-ENGL2217 (  2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; )
English language V (B2/1)-ENGL3115 (  2017/2018; )
English Language V (B2/1)-ENGL3149 (  2017/2018; 2018/2019; )
English Language VI (B2/2)-ENGL3213 (  2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; )
English language VI (B2/2)-ENGL3215 (  2017/2018; )
English Language and Historical Linguistics-LAHL5232 (  2020/2021; )
English Language in Time and Space-ELTS5210E (  2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
English for Philologists IV (B2/2)-ENGL1114 (  2020/2021; 2021/2022; )
English for Philologists I (B1/1)-ENGL1111 (  2019/2020; 2020/2021; )
English Language for Philologists (Business)-ENGL2243 (  2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
English for Philologists II (B1/2)-ENGL1112 (  2019/2020; 2021/2022; )
English for Philologists III (B2/1)-ENGL1113 (  2020/2021; )
English for Philologists V (B2+)-ENGL2214 (  2019/2020; 2021/2022; )
English Language Teaching Methodology-EDUC3142E (  2023/2024; )
English Language Teaching Methods-ENGL4135 (  2023/2024; )
English Placement Test for Doctoral Students-TEST1117 (  2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Intercultural Communication (Eng.)-INCM5365 (  2021/2022; )
Modern Theories and Research Methods in Linguistics-LING5111 (  2023/2024; )
English Language Preparation Course-ENGL2121 (  2019/2020; )
Linguistic Analysis of a Literary Text (Eng.)-LALT5213 (  2021/2022; )
Pedagogical Practice-PEDP4210E (  2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Project Management-MGMT5613E (  2023/2024; )
education practice-PDPR 7217 (  2023/2024; )
Text Processing (Eng.)-ENGL6231 (  2020/2021; 2021/2022; )
Text Linguistics-LING5217 (  2021/2022; )
Text Processing and Translation-LANG7210 (  2021/2022; )
Text Processing and Translation-LANG 7210 (  2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Introduction to English Philology-PHIL1210 (  2020/2021; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Written Business Communication-ENGL4249E (  2020/2021; )
Quality Enhancement-EDUC6113E (  2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Quality Management at School-EDUC4120E (  2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
Academic Writing-KART1220E
academic writting for scientific publication-LANG 7217
Academic Writing and Research-ACWR5110E
Academic Writing and Research-KART5110
Academic Writing for Philologists I-ACWR1210E
Language and Society-LANS3215E
Introduction to Linguistics-LING1130
Introduction to Linguistics-LING1323E
General English II-ENGL1120E
General English I-ENGL1110E
English Language in Time and Space-ELTS5210E
English Language Teaching Methodology-EDUC3142E
English Placement Test for Doctoral Students-TEST1117
Modern Theories and Research Methods in Linguistics-LING5111
Pedagogical Practice-PEDP4210E
education practice-PDPR 7217
Text Processing and Translation-LANG 7210
Introduction to English Philology-PHIL1210
Quality Management at School-EDUC4120E

Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
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Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2018 The University of Georgia