School of Science and Technology
Tbilisi State University - Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics - Master - 1987-01-09 - 1992-01-06
Georgian Acad. of Sci. - A. Razmadze Math. Institute - Doctor - 1992-01-09 - 1995-01-07
Google Scholar -
Actor of a crossed module of dialgebras via tetramultipliers - 0
On cohomology monoids of small categories - 1998
Non-abelian tensor and exterior products modulo q and universal q- central relative extension of Lie algebras - 1999
Non-abelian tensor and exterior products of Lie algebras modulo q and related constructions - 1999
Non-abelian tensor product of Lie algebras modulo q - 1999
More about homological properties of precrossed modules - 2000
Non-abelian tensor product of Lie algebras and its derived functors - 2002
Homology of Lie algebras with \Lambda_q coefficients and exact sequences - 2002
Non-abelian (co)homology of Lie alge- bras - 2003
Non-abelian homology of Lie algebras - 2004
Homology of n-types and Hopf type formulas - 2005
On nilpotency and solvability of Leibniz n-algebras - 2006
Homotopy classication of braided graded categorical groups - 2007
Homotopy classication of graded Picard categories - 2007
Non-abelian cohomology and extensions of Lie algebras - 2008
Crossed modules for Leibniz n-algebras - 2008
Hopf formulas for equivariant homology of groups - 2010
Higher Hopf formulas for homology of Leibniz n-algebras - 2010
Homology and central extensions of Leibniz and Lie n-algebras - 2011
On associative and Lie 2-algebras - 2012
Cyclic homologies of crossed modules of algebras - 2012
On non-abelian Leibniz cohomology - 2013
Low-dimensional non-abelian Leibniz cohomology - 2013
Universal enveloping crossed module of a Lie crossed module - 2014
Adjunction between crossed modules of groups and algebras - 2014
Non-abelian tensor product and homology of Lie superalgebras - 2015
Non-abelian homology of Hom-Lie algebras and applications - 2015
Some applications of the non-abelian tensor product of Hom-Leibniz algebras - 2016
On Lie-central extensions of Leibniz algebras - 2017
More on crossed modules of Lie, Leibniz, associative and diassociative algebras - 2017
A non-abelian tensor product of Hom-Lie algebras - 2017
A non-abelian Hom-Leibniz tensor product and applications - 2017
Naive algorithm to Bos-Chaum one-time signature scheme - 2018
Actor of a crossed module of Leibniz algebras - 2018
A non-abelian exterior product and homology of Leibniz algebras - 2018
On capable Leibniz algebras - 2019
One-way ring homomorphism - 2019
Public key exchange using crossed modules of groups - 2019
On one-way ring homomorphisms - 2020
On some properties preserved by the non-abelian tensor product of Hom-Lie algebras - 2021
On capability of Leibniz algebras - 2021
Actor of a crossed module of dialgebras via tetramultipliers - 2021
K-Theory, C*-Algebras and Index Theory - 01-11-2010
Seminars in Homological Algebra - 22-05-2016
Workshop in Homological Algebra - 18-06-2018
Conference of A. Razmadze Math. Institute - 25-02-2019
X International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union - 02-09-2019
Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Applications (AGT&A) - 01-04-2022
Hacettepe University Mathematics General Seminar - 25-07-2022
XII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union - 29-08-2022
XIII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union - 03-09-2023
Development and Applications of Simplicial Algebraic Techniques in the Cohomology of Algebraic Structures, Homotopy Theory, K-Theory and Cyclic Homology - 1998-2000
Homology and Cohomology of Algebraic Structures - 1999-2000
Homotopical Algebra and (Co)Homology of Groups, Algebras and Crossed Modules - 2002-2003
Algebraic K-Theory, Groups and Algebraic Homotopy Theory - 2003-2005
Simplicial Algebra, Homology Theories, K-theory and Homotopy Theory - 2005-2007
K-theory, Non-commutative Geometry, Homology Theories, Homotopy Theory, Operator and Normed Algebras - 2006-2008
- 2007-2009
Contributions to the Algebraic Classification of Homotopy Classes - 2007-2011
-German Non-Commutative Partnership (Topology, Geometry, Algebra) - 2009-2011
Calculations and Homological Methods in Non-associative Algebras - 2010-2012
11. გაგრძელება სამეცნიერო პროექტისა "Georgian-German non-commutative partnership (Topology, Geometry, Algebra) - 2012-2013
- 2013-2015
Homotopical Representation of Groups - 2013-2016
Homology, Homotopy and Categorical Invariants in Groups and Non-associative Algebras - 2014-2016
- 2015-2018
Homology, homotopy and categorical invariants in groups and nonassociative algebras - 2017-2020
Homological algebra and new invariants of crossed modules - 2022 - 2025
Mathematics for Economics IV-MATH1412
selected topics in mathematics-MATH7012
Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry-MATH1123