Nino Laghidze
Associate Professor
Head of Architecture
Department of Architect
School of Arts and Humanities
- - Doctor - -
- - Bachelor - -
Georgian Technical University - Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design - Doctor - 2014-01-10 - 2016-06-26
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 0
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 0
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 0
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 0
Georgian Architecture & Contemporary Georgian Architects - 2009
Georgian Architecture & Contemporary Georgian Architects - 2009
Contemporary Architects of Southern Caucasus – Red Bridge /Azerbaijan Georgia/ (three portions) - 2012
Contemporary Architects of Southern Caucasus – Red Bridge /Azerbaijan Georgia/ (three portions) - 2012
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 2014
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 2014
Georgian upland - 2014
Georgian upland - 2014
Potential of Urban-social and Economic Development of Mountainous Regions of East Georgia - 2015
Potential of Urban-social and Economic Development of Mountainous Regions of East Georgia - 2015
For the development of mountain regions of Georgia - 2015
For the development of mountain regions of Georgia - 2015
Selective Socio-economic Research of the mountainous regions of East Georgia - 2015
Selective Socio-economic Research of the mountainous regions of East Georgia - 2015
Women Build Georgia - 2015
Women Build Georgia - 2015
Manual - Architect technician /To support the development of vocational qualifications/ - 2015
Manual - Architect technician /To support the development of vocational qualifications/ - 2015
The formation of an integrated system of the urban space of mountain regions of Georgia in terms of agro-tourism and resort areas (the example of Pshav- Khevsureti) - 2016
The formation of an integrated system of the urban space of mountain regions of Georgia in terms of agro-tourism and resort areas (the example of Pshav- Khevsureti) - 2016
Principles of urban planning and social development of Pshav-Khevsureti - 2017
Principles of urban planning and social development of Pshav-Khevsureti - 2017
Graffiti forms in urban space - 2018
Graffiti forms in urban space - 2018
World analogues of urban development in mountain regions - 2019
World analogues of urban development in mountain regions - 2019
Tbilisi connections - 2021
Tbilisi connections - 2021
Development strategy of the mountainous region of Eastern Georgia and principles of architectural and spatial organization of urban areas - 2022
Development strategy of the mountainous region of Eastern Georgia and principles of architectural and spatial organization of urban areas - 2022
Architectural heritage of Giorgi (Gogi) Chakhava - 2023
Architectural heritage of Giorgi (Gogi) Chakhava - 2023
- 01-01-1900
- 01-01-1900
Architecture - 12-11-2013
82th Scientific Conference of GTU - 18-02-2014
Concepts of development of mountainous regions of Georgia - 13-06-2015
City planning concepts for the development of mountainous regions - 19-09-2015
"Women build! Where the Caucasus meets Europe" - 20-11-2015
Town planning development problems - 15-03-2016
Practical Conference – Urban issues of formation and development of resorts, recreational areas and tourist places - 27-10-2016
Humanitarian Science - 26-05-2017
Humanitarian science - 21-03-2018
Humanitarian science - 30-03-2018
humanitarian sciences - 01-06-2018
Humanitarian science - 25-05-2019
Design Projecting of Exterior I-ARCT2220 (
Computer Graphic I(Auto Cad)-ARCT3240 (
Computer Graphic II (Auto CAD)-ARCT4140 (
practice and bachelor project in architecture-ARCT4271 (
bachelor internship in Architecture-ARCH4171 (
Basics of City planning-ARCT4130 (
Design Projecting of Exterior I-ARCT2220
practice and bachelor project in architecture-ARCT4271
bachelor internship in Architecture-ARCH4171