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Nino Laghidze
Associate Professor
Head of Architecture

Department of Architect
School of Arts and Humanities

- - Doctor - -
- - Bachelor - -
Georgian Technical University - Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design - Doctor - 2014-01-10 - 2016-06-26
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 0
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 0
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 0
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 0
Georgian Architecture & Contemporary Georgian Architects - 2009
Georgian Architecture & Contemporary Georgian Architects - 2009
Contemporary Architects of Southern Caucasus – Red Bridge /Azerbaijan Georgia/ (three portions) - 2012
Contemporary Architects of Southern Caucasus – Red Bridge /Azerbaijan Georgia/ (three portions) - 2012
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 2014
Migration problems of mountainous regions and urban development on the example of Georgia upland - 2014
Georgian upland - 2014
Georgian upland - 2014
Potential of Urban-social and Economic Development of Mountainous Regions of East Georgia - 2015
Potential of Urban-social and Economic Development of Mountainous Regions of East Georgia - 2015
For the development of mountain regions of Georgia - 2015
For the development of mountain regions of Georgia - 2015
Selective Socio-economic Research of the mountainous regions of East Georgia - 2015
Selective Socio-economic Research of the mountainous regions of East Georgia - 2015
Women Build Georgia - 2015
Women Build Georgia - 2015
Manual - Architect technician /To support the development of vocational qualifications/ - 2015
Manual - Architect technician /To support the development of vocational qualifications/ - 2015
The formation of an integrated system of the urban space of mountain regions of Georgia in terms of agro-tourism and resort areas (the example of Pshav- Khevsureti) - 2016
The formation of an integrated system of the urban space of mountain regions of Georgia in terms of agro-tourism and resort areas (the example of Pshav- Khevsureti) - 2016
Principles of urban planning and social development of Pshav-Khevsureti - 2017
Principles of urban planning and social development of Pshav-Khevsureti - 2017
Graffiti forms in urban space - 2018
Graffiti forms in urban space - 2018
World analogues of urban development in mountain regions - 2019
World analogues of urban development in mountain regions - 2019
Tbilisi connections - 2021
Tbilisi connections - 2021
Development strategy of the mountainous region of Eastern Georgia and principles of architectural and spatial organization of urban areas - 2022
Development strategy of the mountainous region of Eastern Georgia and principles of architectural and spatial organization of urban areas - 2022
Architectural heritage of Giorgi (Gogi) Chakhava - 2023
Architectural heritage of Giorgi (Gogi) Chakhava - 2023
- 01-01-1900
- 01-01-1900
Architecture - 12-11-2013
82th Scientific Conference of GTU - 18-02-2014
Concepts of development of mountainous regions of Georgia - 13-06-2015
City planning concepts for the development of mountainous regions - 19-09-2015
"Women build! Where the Caucasus meets Europe" - 20-11-2015
Town planning development problems - 15-03-2016
Practical Conference – Urban issues of formation and development of resorts, recreational areas and tourist places - 27-10-2016
Humanitarian Science - 26-05-2017
Humanitarian science - 21-03-2018
Humanitarian science - 30-03-2018
humanitarian sciences - 01-06-2018
Humanitarian science - 25-05-2019
Design Projecting of Exterior I-ARCT2220 (  2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; 2024/2025; )
Computer Graphic I(Auto Cad)-ARCT3240 (  2020/2021; )
Computer Graphic II (Auto CAD)-ARCT4140 (  2019/2020; )
practice and bachelor project in architecture-ARCT4271 (  2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; 2024/2025; )
bachelor internship in Architecture-ARCH4171 (  2022/2023; 2023/2024; 2024/2025; )
Basics of City planning-ARCT4130 (  2021/2022; )
Design Projecting of Exterior I-ARCT2220
practice and bachelor project in architecture-ARCT4271
bachelor internship in Architecture-ARCH4171
Nino Laghidze – Architect. She is chairman of the Association of Architects of Georgia and Editor of the practical-scientific magazine Style (Architecture, Interior, Design). She holds Master’s in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design of Georgian Technical University. Since 2016 She holds Doctor’s in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design of Georgian Technical University. Her PhD topic is -,,Urban -social and architectural-planning development principles of the mountainous villages in the east part of Georgia,,. She has published the scientific articles, books, Student's Guide. She has got practical experience in International measurements, leadership and practical and scientific activity in Architectural spheres. The foregoing gives competence Nino Laghidze conduct course of lectures - city planning basics. Since 2017, he has been the head of the architecture program at the University of Georgia.

Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
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Address: 77a, M. Kostava str. Tbilisi, 0171, Georgia Tel: 2 55 22 22;
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