On August 9, 2021, the "Institute of Multidisciplinary Digital Edition" published an article on its own website entitled "Ko-Ggreation of SouthA9 with De Cyclopan – Bassed Compundssted in Branching Breading with About Alterting Rates of Self-Stling". One of his co-authors of "University of Georgia" associate professor Lily Arabuli will answer the questions we asked about the article.
1. What use can this study have for human existence?
The topic that this study covers is uniquely related to people's health, such vital issues as the fight against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and their defeat.
2. How exactly is the subject of research related to these issues?
We have studied, one might say, tested the effect of the substances we have synthesized on the process of obtaining one of the proteins directly related to these diseases - S-100A9, which is considered to be the cause and acceleration of neuronal processes, and aggregation is considered to be one of the signs of the progression of these diseases.
3. What were the main challenges and skills that led to this research?
The main challenge was to use the new methods necessary to study this effect, I mean the fluorescent spectrometer and the atomic force microscope. I had to do practical work with them, and then process the data.
4. Why are you interested in researching this issue?
A few years ago, I became interested in this issue, when I was in America with the quilting program (2011-2012), my goal was to synthesize substances that would have an effect on this disease, in other words, to synthesize and detect potential medicines.
5. What was the response to this particular work?
The paper was published recently - in August, which is a dead month in terms of activity, so I think it is too early to talk about it, but in the near future I hope there will be feedback and I will definitely share it with you.
6. What additional funding and support did this research have?
This research was carried out at a Swedish university, but it was impossible to implement it without the support of the University of Georgia. I will once again express my gratitude in this regard. I believe that the University of Georgia will still be the main source for important projects.