Leila (Lei) Grigolia - invited lecturer - leads the course "Fundamentals of Latin and Georgian Scripts, Stages of Development, and the Creation of a Personal Typeface." She holds a Master’s degree in Humanities with a specialization in Medieval Studies from Ilia State University.
Her master’s thesis encompasses a typographic study of the medieval Georgian manuscript H-1669, examining the influence of uppercase letter proportions on the design of modern Georgian typefaces, as well as identifying their artistic characteristics. Additionally, she has designed several corporate typefaces.
Since 2019, she has been serving as an invited lecturer at Ilia State University, where she teaches courses on Georgian and Latin Scripts, Poster Art, and Book Graphics.
Leila Grigolia is also a co-founder of the Graphic Contemporary Center, where she leads the Etching Workshop and Etching Course. She is the initiator of the “Artist Talk” project, within which the center has hosted various significant workshops.
As a graphic designer, she primarily focuses on book design while also participating in numerous group exhibitions.