Admission at the University of Georgia (UG) is possible by filling out the Application Form and by sending all the required documents. After submission you will receive an offer letter with a unique number from the Admission’s Office. Additionally, an applicant must send other required documents listed below.
For submitting the application, the Admission’s Office requires the following documents:
There’s no set deadline therefore an application can be submitted any time, however, admission is possible for spring semester or fall semester. Please take note that the registration process might take up to two months, so it is better to plan accordingly.
Residents of the countries where English is a mother tongue are not required to present any certificate of English Language Proficiency. For other applicants, it is obligatory to present a document proving an applicant’s knowledge of the language on B2 level or equivalent. If an applicant can’t present the document, the University will conduct English language Placement Test.
Procedure of enrollment includes the following steps:
As soon as the required documents are submitted by an applicant, the Admission’s Office translates, notarizes and prepares documents in order to submit it at the National Centre for Educational Quality Enhancement for recognition. Usually, recognition of the foreign education takes up to 3 weeks but it can be extended due to many reasons. Based on the recognition documents, the Ministry of Education and Science issues an enrollment decree. After that, an applicant will sign a contract and will officially become a student of the University of Georgia.
An applicant wishing to check his/her application status must send an e-mail to the Admission’s Office at and request the information on his/her application by sending offer letter unique number, surname/name and passport number.
Yes, Student ID card is available for all students. It is provided soon after the beginning of the first semester.
The University of Georgia provides visa support to applicants in following ways: the University prepares acceptance and invitation letters, gives advices about consular sections and sends a list of necessary documents to consular section. Students can also address the Office of International Student Services and International Relations located # 504 of the fourth building where office managers provide necessary assistance. However all applicants are kindly requested to visit the official web-page of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, necessary information related to the visa issues is available here:
If a student has a study visa, he/she is able to acquire a residence permit. For details, a student must address the Public Service Development Center of the Justice House and receive information about the required documents: In order to get Residence Permit, a student must submit his/her application via My UG and request the document on student status which will be prepared by the Office of International Students and International Relations within 2 working days. Prepared document will be available at the front office of the International Students and International Relations Office.
Tuition fee for the academic year shall be covered by June 15, each year. The alternative way: During May we will be receiving applications to the Social Affairs Commission. The application shall clearly outline the reason why the student cannot fully cover the tuition fee before June 15. If there any social status benefits available, they shall be attached to the application. The applications of the students whose academic performance is not satisfactory (low marks and failed subjects) will not be reviewed. In other cases, a certain schedule will be defined for the student. It should be noted that the first installment (most likely) shall be covered by June 15. The respond to the application (resolution) will be available to students at the webpage of “Announcements” (Along with the written announcement there will be dates and amounts indicated). If the tuition fee is not covered by June 15, student will be charged with fines and his student status will be suspended (by July 7).
Students are requested to pay their tuition fee fully for the first year in order to prove their financial capability and acquire a resident permit. After the first year, students may consult the Financial Department of the University of Georgia regarding covering the tuition fees in installments, in accordance with the existing regulations.
The first fine is charged on the next day after the deadline, the second and the third fines – in a week after deadline. Therefore, if anyone has postponed his/her payment to October 15, the first fine will be charged on October 16, the second – on October 23, and the third – on October 30. This principle also applies to those who currently have the tuition fee distributed by monthly schedule. Each fine is 1% of the total amount of the annual tuition fee.
For the second semester of the academic year: the applications to recover the status will be accepted from September 30 to November 20. The student has to open Announcement at the page of My UG (Control > My applications), tick the “Recovery of a student’s status”, fill out the given template and send. It is mandatory to upload the receipt of payment along with the application. As for the amount, each student pays half of his/her annual tuition fee (as he/she studies only in the second semester) along with the old liabilities (if any).
For the academic year: the applications to recover the status will be accepted from May 20 to June 15.
If the student takes academic leave and his student status is suspended, the tuition fee he has covered will be preserved in the following cases:
a) The tuition fee will be fully preserved if the student informed the university about his academic leave in first four weeks of the academic year in-advance;
b) The tuition fee will be partially preserved if the student informed the university about his academic leave after four weeks of the academic year, but prior to the final exams and the beginning of the spring semester;
c) The quarter of the annual tuition fee will be preserved from the beginning of the spring semester for the period of four weeks.
For students, who were enrolled by mobility or without passing the National Accreditation Exams, the period of the abovementioned four weeks will count down from the date of the order regarding their enrollment.
The preserved amount can be used by the student at the University of Georgia.