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საქართველოს უნივერსიტეტი



9 April 2021
Sensitive and Selective Electrochemical Detection of Bisphenol A based on SBA-15 like Cu-PMO modified glassy carbon electrode

A UG research team led by Prof Samad Khaksar from the Department of Chemistry, UG in collaboration with Prof Sadegh Rostamnia’s research group from Department of Chemistry, University of Maragheh, has developed a novel and sensitive electrochemical sensor based on the Cu functionalized SBA-15 like periodic mesoporous organosilica-ionic liquid composite modified glassy carbon electrode (Cu@TU-PMO/IL/GCE) for the electrochemical detection of bisphenol A (BPA).

Prof Khaksar said, “Our findings open up a new opportunity for detecting the BPA in the environmental samples. The results of this study have been published in Food Chemistry (IF= 6.30).


In another study, this research group has developed an effective and green pathway using mesoporous organosilica containing bridging urea groups to stabilize silver nanoparticles for the development of antibacterial application. 

Prof Khaksar said, “An in vitro cytotoxicity test on NIH-3T3 cells showed that AgxNPs/Ur-PMOs (x = 0.35, 0.65 and 1.27%) have good biocompatibility. It is expected that this material will provide, eco-friendly and reliable approach for biomedical applications. It seems that the use of these compounds in hospital environments can reduce nosocomial infections as well as reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria”.

The results of this study have been published in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (IF= 7.48).




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მისამართი: 77ა, მ. კოსტავას ქუჩა, თბილისი, 0171, საქართველო ტელ: 2 55 22 22; info@ug.edu.ge
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მისამართი: 77ა, მ. კოსტავას ქუჩა, თბილისი, 0171, საქართველო ტელ: 2 55 22 22; info@ug.edu.ge
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