
აღმოაჩინე მეტი

როლანდ დუდუჩავა
მათემატიკის ინსტიტუტის ხელმძღვანელი
მათემატიკის ინსტიტუტი
მეცნიერებისა და ტექნოლოგიების სკოლა

ლომონოსოვის სახელობის უნივერსიტეტი, მოსკოვი - გამოყენებითი მათემატიკის - დოქტორი - -
- - დოქტორი - -
ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახ. უნივერსიტეტი - მექანიკა-მათემატიკსის - მაგისტრი - 1962-01-09 - 1968-01-22
ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახ. თბილისის სახელმჭიფო უნივერსიტეტი - მექანიკა-მათემატიკის - დოქტორი - 1962-09-01 - 1968-01-22
ა. რაზმაძის სახ. მათემატიკის ინსტიტუტი - ფუნქციონალური ანალიზის განყოფილება - დოქტორი - 1968-01-09 - 1971-05-05
ა. რაზმაძის მათემატიკის ინსტიტუტის დოქტორანტურა - ფუნქციონალური ანალიზის განყოფილება - დოქტორი - 1968-09-01 - 1971-05-05
Google Scholar - https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=BaNDSlgAAAAJ
Mixed type boundary value problems for Laplace-Beltrami equation on a surface with the Lipschitz boundary - 0
R.Duduchava, On singular integral operators in Hoelder spaces with weights, Dokladi Akademii Nauk SSSR, 191, 16-19 - 1970
R.Duduchava, On the boundedness of the singular integral operator in Hoelder spaces with weights, {\em Matematicheskie Issledovania} {\bf 5}, 1, 56-76, - 1970
On the boundedness of the singular integral operator in Hoelder spaces with weights, Matematicheskie Issledovania, 5, 1, 56-76 - 1970
R.Duduchava, Singular integral operators in Hoelder spaces with weights I. Hoelder coefficients, Matematicheskie Issledovania, 5, 2, 104-124 - 1970
R.Duduchava, Singular integral operators in Hoelder spaces with weights, II. Piecewise Hoelder coefficients, Matematicheskie Issledovania, 5, 3, 57-82, - 1970
R.Duduchava, On certain boundary value problems for systems of discrete Wiener-Hopf equations, Matematicheskie Issledovania, 7, 2, 234-240, - 1972
R.Duduchava, Discrete equations of Wiener-Hopf composed from Fourier coefficients of piecewise-Wiener functions, Dokladi Akademii Nauk SSSR, 207, 1273-1276, (Russian); Translated in: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady, 13, 1903-1907 - 1972
R.Duduchava, Discrete Wiener-Hopf equations in $\ell^p$ spaces with weight, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR, 67, 1, 17-20 - 1972
R.Duduchava, On the algebras of singular integral operators in spaces of Hoelder functions with weights, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR, 65, 1, 25-28 - 1972
R.Duduchava, Wiener-Hopf integral operators with discontinuous symbols, Dokladi Akademii Nauk SSSR, 211, 1273-1276 (Russian); Translated in: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady, 14, 1001-1005 - 1973
R.Duduchava, Algebra of one dimensional singular integral operators in spaces of Hoelder functions with weight, Trudi Tbiliskogo Mathematicheskogo Instituta Academii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR, 41, 19-52, (Russian) - 1973
R.Duduchava, On Noether theorems for singular integral equations; in: Proceedings of Symposium on Mechanics and Related Problems of Analysis , v. 1, 19-52, (Russian). - 1973
R.Duduchava, Singular integral operators on piecewise-smooth lines, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 71 , 3, 553-556, (Russian). - 1973
R.Duduchava, On multidimensional convolution equations composed from Fourier coefficients of piece\-wise-smooth functions, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 74, 3, 277-280, (Russian). - 1974
R.Duduchava, Discrete convolution operators on symmetric spaces of sequences with weights, in: Theses of the Conference of Young Scientists and Postgraduates, I. Javakhishvili State University, I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics , pp. 63-64. - 1974
R.Duduchava, Singular integral equations with unbounded coefficients, Trudi Tbiliskogo Mathematicheskogo Instituta Academii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 44, 72-78 (Russian). - 1974
R.Duduchava, On convolution integral operators with discontinuous coefficients, Dokladi Akademii Nauk SSSR 218, 2, 264-267, (Russian); Translated in: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady 15,1302-1306, 1975. - 1974
R.Duduchava, On bisingular integral operators and convolution operators on a quadrant, Dokladi Akademii Nauk SSSR 221 , 2, 279-282 (Russian); Translated in: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady 16, 330-334 - 1975
R.Duduchava, On Wiener-Hopf integral operators, Mathematishe Nachrichten 65, 1, 59-82 (Russian). - 1975
R.Duduchava, On convolution integral operators with discontinuous symbols, Trudi Tbiliskogo Mathematicheskogo Instituta Academii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 50, 34-41 (Russian). - 1975
R.Duduchava, On discrete Wiener-Hopf equations, Trudi Tbiliskogo Mathematicheskogo Instituta Academii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 50 , 42-59 (Russian). - 1975
R.Duduchava, Bisingular integral operators and boundary value problems of the theory of analytic functions in spaces of distributions, Dokladi Akademii Nauk SSSR 224, 5, 996-999, (Russian); Translated in: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady 17, 1324-1328. - 1975
R.Duduchava, Convolution integral operators on a quadrant with discontinuous symbols, Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Ser. Matem. 40, 2, 388-412, (Russian); Translated in: Mathematics USSR, Izvestia 10, 371-392. - 1976
R.Duduchava, On bisingular integral operators with discontinuous coefficients, Matematicheskii Sbor\-nik 101, 4, 584-609 (Russian); Translated in: Mathematics USSR, Sbornik 30, 515-537. - 1976
R.Duduchava, On singular integral operators on piecewise smooth lines; in: Research Notes in Mathematics , v. 8 , "Functional Theoretic Methods in Differential Equations", pp. 109-131. - 1976
R.Duduchava, V.Maz'ya, Uniqueness theorems for the integral equations of a rectangular thin airfoil, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 87, 1, 53-56, (Russian). - 1977
R.Duduchava, On integral equations of convolutions with discontinuous coefficients, Mathematishe Nachrichten 79, 75-98 (Russian). - 1977
R.Duduchava, Discrete convolution operators on the quarter plane and their indices, Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Ser. Matem. 41, 5, 1125-1137 (Russian); Translated in: Mathematics USSR, Izvestia 11, 1072-1084. - 1977
R.Duduchava, Singular integral equations with fixed singularities in kernel on piecewise-smooth lines, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 91, 2, 293-296, (Russian). - 1977
R.Duduchava, On certain integral equations with singular kernels, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 92, 1, 21-24 (Russian). - 1978
R.Duduchava, Integral equations of convolution type with discontinuous coefficients, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 92, 2, 281-284, (Russian). - 1978
R.Duduchava, Integral equations of convolution type with discontinuous presymbols, singular integral equations with fixed singularities and their applications to some problems of mechanics, Trudi Tbiliskogo Mathematicheskogo Instituta Academii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR, 60, 1-135 - 1979
R.Duduchava, Integral equations with fixed singularities, - 1979
R.Duduchava, On the index of a bisingular integral operator, I., Mathematishe Nachrichten 91, 431-460 (Russian). - 1979
R.Duduchava, On the index of a bisingular integral operator, II., Mathematishe Nachrichten 92, 289-307 (Russian). - 1979
R.Duduchava, B.Khvedelidze, Integral equation of convolution type, Mathematical Encyclopaedia v. 2, 598-600 (Russian) - 1979
R.Duduchava, On the solution of convolution equations over the quadrant, Matematicheskie zametki 27, 3, 415-427, (Russian); Translated in: Mathematical Notes 27, 207-213. - 1980
R.Duduchava, A.Saginashvili, Integral operators of convolution on the semi-axes with semi-almost periodic presymbols, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 98, 1, 21-24 (Russian). - 1980
R.Duduchava, A.Saginashvili, Convolution integral equations on the semi-axes with semi-almost periodic symbols, Differentialnie Uravnenia 17, 301-312 (Russian); Translated in: Differential Equations USSR 17, 207-216 - 1981
R.Duduchava, An application of singular integral operators to some problems of elasticity, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 5, 475-489. - 1982
R.Duduchava, On multidimensional singular integral equations. Preliminary theorems, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 109, 2, 241-244(Russian). - 1983
R.Duduchava, On multidimensional singular integral equations. The basic theorems, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 111, 3, 465-468 (Russian). - 1983
R.Duduchava, T.Latsabidze, Index of singular integral equations with complex conjugated functions, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 115, 1, 1-4 (Russian) - 1984
R.Duduchava, On multidimensional singular integral operators I. The half-space case, Journal of Operator Theory 11, 41-76 - 1984
R.Duduchava, On multidimensional singular integral operators II. The case of manifolds, Journal of Operator Theory 11, 199-214 - 1984
R.Duduchava, On general singular integral operators of the plane theory of elasticity, Rendiconti Sem. Mat. Univers. e Politecn. Torino 42, 15-41 - 1984
R.Duduchava, L.Rodino, The Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problem in a bicylinder, Bulletin della Unioni Mathematica Italiana 4-A, 6, 327-336 - 1985
R.Duduchava, T.Latsabidze, On the index of singular integral equations with complex conjugated functions on piecewise-smooth lines, Trudi Tbilisskogo Matematicheskogo Instituta im. A.M.Razmadze Academii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 76, 40-59 (Russian) - 1985
R.Duduchava, On general singular integral equations and basic theorems of the plane theory of elasticity, Trudi Tbiliskogo Mathematicheskogo Instituta Academii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 82, 45-89 (Russian) - 1986
R.Duduchava, On an algebra generated by convolutions and discontinuous functions, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 10, 505-530 - 1987
R.Duduchava, R.Schneider, The algebra of non-classical singular integral operators on a half-space, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 10, 531-553 - 1987
R.Duduchava, G.Mjzavia, On the regularization of the singular integral operators; Abstracts of the conference "Operator Theory, Advances and Applications", Calgary, August 8-12. - 1988
R.Duduchava, D.Natroshvili, E.Shargorodsky, On continuity of generalized solutions of basic boundary value problems of the mathematical theory of cracks, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 135, 3, 497-500 (Russian) - 1989
R.Duduchava, D.Natroshvili, E.Shargorodsky, Basic boundary value problems of the mathematical theory of cracks for anisotropic media, Proceedings of the extended seminar of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi 4, 2, 87-90 (Russian). - 1989
R.Duduchava, D.Natroshvili, E.Shargorodsky, Boundary value problems of the mathematical theory of cracks; Proceedings of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Some problems of Elasticity Theory 39 , pp. 68-84. I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi University - 1990
R.Duduchava, E.Schargorodsky, On certain singular integral operators with fixed singularities, Trudi Tbiliskogo Mathematicheskogo Instituta Academii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 93, 3-35 (Russian) - 1990
R.Duduchava, T.Latsabidze, A.Saginashvili, Singular integral operators on curves with cusps, Soobshenia Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 146, 1, 21-24 (Russian) - 1992
R.Duduchava, F.-O.Speck, Bessel potential operators for the quarter plane, Applicable Analysis 45, 49-68 - 1992
R.Duduchava, Wiener-Hopf Equations with the transmission property, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 15, 412-426 - 1992
R.Duduchava, F.-O.Speck, Pseudo-differential operators on compact manifolds with Lipschitz boundary, Mathematische Nachrichten 160, 149-191 - 1993
R.Duduchava, N.Krupnik, On the norm of singular integral operator on curves with cusps. Integral Equations Operator Theory, 20, 376-382 - 1994
R.Duduchava, D.Natroshvili, E.Shargorodsky, Basic boundary value problems of thermoelasticity for anisotropic bodies with cuts I. Georgian Mathematical journal, 2, 123-140 - 1995
R.Duduchava, D.Natroshvili, E.Shargorodsky, Basic boundary value problems of thermoelasticity for anisotropic bodies with cuts II. Georgian Mathematical journal, 2, 259-276 - 1995
R.Duduchava, A.Saginashvili, E.Shargorodsky, On two-dimensional singular integral operators with shift. Proceedings of A.Razmadze Math. Inst., 103, 1-13 - 1995
R.Duduchava, S.Proessdorf, On the approximation of singular integral equations by equations with smooth kernels, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 21, 223-237 - 1995
R.Duduchava, T.Latsabidze, A.Saginashvili, Singular integral operators with the complex conjugation on curves with cusps. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 22, 1-36 - 1995
A.Bastos, A.dos Santos, R.Duduchava, Finite interval convolution operators in the Bessel potential spaces $H^s_p$, Mathematische Nachrichten, 173, 49-63 - 1995
R.Duduchava, W.Wendland, The Wiener-Hopf method for systems of pseudodifferential equations and its application to crack problems, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 23, 294-335 - 1995
R.Duduchava, A.M. Saendig, W.L. Wendland, The Wiener-Hopf method in crack and interface problems Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanic (ZAMM) 75/2, 113-116 - 1996
R.Duduchava, A.Saginashvili, E.Shargorodsky, On two-dimensional singular integral operators with a conformal Carleman shift, Journal of Operator Theory 37, 263-279 - 1997
R.Duduchava, Bessel potential operator, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement, Vol. I , Ed. Prof. M. Hazewinkel, 116-117 - 1997
R.Duduchava, D.Natroshvili, Mixed crack type problems in anisotropic elasticity, Mathematische Nachrichten 191, 83-107 - 1998
O.Chkadua, R.Duduchava, Asymptotics of solutions to some boundary value problems of elasticity with cuspidal edges, Memoirs on Mathematical Physics and Differential Equations 15, 29-58 - 1998
O.Chkadua, R.Duduchava, Asymptotics of solutions to pseudodifferential equations, Bulletin of the Academy of sciences of Georgia 158, 2, 207-210 - 1998
O.Chkadua, R.Duduchava, Asymptotics of potential-type functions, Bulletin of the Academy of sciences of Georgia 159, 1, 23-27 - 1999
R.Duduchava, E.Shargorodsky, N.Krupnik, An algebra of integral operators with fixed singularities in kernels, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 33, 406-425 - 1999
O.Chkadua, R.Duduchava, Asymptotics of solutions to the crack problem, Bulletin of the Academy of sciences of Georgia 159, 3, 389-391 - 1999
R.Duduchava, A.M. Saendig, W.L. Wendland, Interface cracks in anisotropic composites, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 22, 1413-1446 - 1999
R.Duduchava, D.Kapanadze, On the Prandtl equation, Georgian Mathematical Journal 6, 6, 525-536 - 1999
R.Duduchava, B.Silbermann, Boundary Value Problems in Domains with Peaks, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, 21, 1-121 - 2000
O.Chkadua, R.Duduchava, Asymptotics of functions represented by potentials, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 7, 1, 15-47 - 2000
R.Duduchava, F.-O.Speck, Singular integral equations in special weighted spaces, Georgian Mathematical Journal 7, 633-642 - 2000
O.Chkadua, R.Duduchava, Pseudodifferential equations on manifolds with boundary: Fredholm property and asymptotics, Mathematische Nachrichten 222, 79-139 - 2001
R.Duduchava, The Green formula and layer potentials, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 41, 2, 127-178 - 2001
L.P. Castro, R. Duduchava, F.-O. Speck, Singular integral equations on piecewise smooth curves in spaces of smooth functions, Operator Theory, Advances and Applications, Vol. 135, 107-144 - 2002
M.Costabel, M.Dauge, R.Duduchava, Asymptotics without logarithmic terms for crack problems, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 28, 869-926 - 2003
L.P. Castro, R. Duduchava, F.-O. Speck, Localization and minimal normalization of mixed boundary value problem. In Factorization, Singular Operators and Related Problems, Proceedings of the Conference in Honour of Professor Georgii Litvinchuk at Funchal , Portugal 2002 (Eds. S. Samko et alt.), 73-100 - 2003
T.Buchukuri, O.Chkadua, R.Duduchava, Crack-type boundary value problems of electroelasticity. Operator Theoretical Methods and Applications to Mathematical Physics. The Erhard Meister Memorial Volume} (Eds. I. Gohberg et alt.), Operator Theory: Advances and Applications}, Vol. 147, 189-21 - 2004
R.Duduchava, S. Rjasanow, Mapping Properties of the Boltzmann Collision Operator, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 52, 1, 61-84 - 2005
R.Duduchava, R. Kirsch, S. Rjasanow, On estimates of the Boltzmann collision operator with cut-off, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 7, 1-25 - 2005
L.P. Castro, R. Duduchava, F.-O. Speck, Finite interval convolution operators with transmission property, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 52, , 165-179 - 2005
R.Duduchava, D.Mitrea, M.Mitrea, Differential operators and boundary value problems on surfaces. Mathematische Nachrichten 9-10, 2006, 996-1023 - 2006
L. Castro, R. Duduchava and F.-O. Speck, Asymmetric factorizations of matrix functions on the real line. I. Simonenko anniversary volume (eds. N. Vasilevskii et al), Opwerator Theory: Advances and Applications 170, 53-74 - 2006
T.Buchukuri, R.Duduchava, L.Sigua, On interaction of electromagnetic waves with infinite bianisotropic layered slab. Mathematische Nachrichten 280, No. 9-10, 971-983 - 2007
L. Castro, R. Duduchava and F.-O. Speck, Solvability of Singular Integro-Differential Equations with Multiple Complex Shifts. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 2, 327-343 (G. Litvinchuk’s memorial volume; eds. N. Vasilevskii et al) - 2008
R. Duduchava and D. Kapanadze, Extended Normal Vector Field and the Weingarten Map on Hypersurfaces, Georgian Mathematical Journal 15, No. 3, 485-500 - 2008
T. Buchukuri, R. Duduchava, D. Kapanadze, D. Natroshvili, On the uniqueness of a solution to an anisotropic Maxwell system, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 203, 137-164 - 2009
T. Buchukuri, O. Chkadua, R. Duduchava, D. Natroshvili, Interface cracks problems in composites with piezoelectric and thermal effects, pp. 1-10. Proceedings of 2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, IMECE -2009, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. - 2009
R. Duduchava, Partial differential equations on hypersurfaces, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 48, 19-74 - 2009
R. Duduchava, Lions's lemma, Korn's inequalities and Lam\'e operator on hypersurfaces, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 210, 43-77 - 2010
R. Duduchava, A revised asymptotic model of a shell. Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 52, , 65-108 - 2011
L. Castro, R. Duduchava, D. Kapanadze, Electromagnetic scattering by cylindrical orthotropic waveguide irises, Georgian Mathematical Journal 99, 99-120 - 2011
R. Duduchava, Continuing functions from a hypersurface with the boundary. Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, 155, 103-109 - 2011
T. Buchukuri, O. Chkadua, R. Duduchava, D. Natroshvili, Interface crack problems for metallic-piezoelectric, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 55, 1-150 - 2012
R. Duduchava, Continuation of functions from hypersurfaces. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 57, Issue 6, 625-651 - 2012
O. Chkadua, R. Duduchava, D. Kapanadze, The screen type boundary value problems for anisotropic pseudo-Maxwell's equations, Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute 159, 138-142 - 2012
O. Chkadua, R. Duduchava, D. Kapanadze, Potential methods for anisotropic pseudo-Maxwell's equations in screen type problems. Operator Theory, Pseudo-differential Equations, and Mathematical Physics. The Vladimir Rabinovich anniversary volume. Editors. Y. I. Karlovich, L. Rodino, B. Silberman, I. M. Spitkovsky, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, v. 228, 73-94 - 2013
R. Duduchava, N. Kvergelidze, M. Tsaava, Fredholm criteria for a singular integral operator on an open arc in weighted Lebesgue's and Hoelder's spaces. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 77, 39-56 - 2013
T. Buchukuri, R. Duduchava, D. Kapanadze \& M. Tsaava, Localization of a Helmholtz boundary value problem in a domain with piecewise-smooth boundary, Proceedings A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, 162, 37-44 - 2013
R. Duduchava, Viktor Kupradze 110, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 60, 1-14 - 2013
R. Duduchava, Mellin convolution operators in Bessel potential spaces with admissible meromorphic kernels, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 60, 135-177 - 2013
R. Duduchava, M. Tsaava, Mixed boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in arbitrary 2D-sectors, Georgian Mathematical Journal 20, 3, 439-468 - 2013
L.P. Castro, R. Duduchava, F.-O. Speck, Diffraction from Poly\-go\-nal-Conical Screens - an operator approach. Operator Theory, Operator Algebras and Applications, vol. 242, Bastos, A.; Lebre, A.; Samko, S.; Rodman, L. (Eds.) - 2014
R. Duduchava, E. Shargorodsky, G. Tephnadze, Extension of the unit normal vector field to a hypersurface. Georgian Mathematical Journal. 22, 5, 355-359 - 2015
R. Duduchava \& T. Tsutsunava, Integro-Differential Equations of Prandtl type in the Bessel potential spaces. Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 66, 45-6 - 2015
R. Duduchava, Academician Boris Khvedelidze, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 66, 1-3 - 2015
O. Chkadua, R. Duduchava and D. Kapanadze, The screen type Dirichlet boundary value problems for anisotropic pseudo-Maxwell's equations. Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 66, 33-43 - 2015
O. Chkadua, R. Duduchava and D. Kapanadze, Screen type problems for anisotropic pseudo-Maxwell's equations. Annals of Functional Analysis 7, 2, 217-231 - 2016
V. Didenko, R. Duduchava, Mellin convolution operators in the Bessel potential spaces. Journal of Analysis and Applications 443, 707-731 - 2016
O. Chkadua, R. Duduchava and D. Kapanadze, The screen type mixed boundary value problems for anisotropic pseudo-Maxwell's equations. Georgian Mathematical Journal, 23 (4), 511–518 - 2016
T. Buchukuri, R. Duduchava, G. Tephnadze, Dirichlet problem for Laplace-Beltrami equation on hypersurfaces - FEM approximation. Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute 170, 3, 300–307 - 2016
T. Buchukuri, R. Duduchava, G. Tephnadze, Laplace-Beltrami equation on hypersurfaces and Г-convergence Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences . Volume 40, Issue 13, 4637-4657 - 2017
R. Duduchava, M. Tsaava, Mixed boundary value problems for the Laplace-Beltrami equation. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 63, 10, 1468-1496 - 2018
R. Duduchava, Mellin convolution equations. “Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis”, OTHA 2018, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, "Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics", A. Karapetyants, V. Kravchenko, E. Liflyand-Editors, Springer, 153-174 - 2019
R. Duduchava, Mixed type BVPs on a surface with the Lipschitz boundary, International conference "Singular Integral Equations and Differential Equations with Singular Coefficients", Tadjik State University, Dushanbe, January 30-31, pages 17-20 - 2020
L. Castro, R. Duduchava, F.-O. Speck, Mixed impedance boundary value problems for the Laplace-Beltrami equation, Accepted in: Journal of Integral Equations and Applications - 2020
R. Duduchava, \& M. Tsaava, Mixed boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in a model 2D angular domain. Accepted in: Georgian Mathematical Journal - 2020
R. Duduchava, Mixed type boundary value problems for Laplace- Beltrami equation on a surface with the Lipschitz boundary. Accepted in: Georgian Mathematical Journal - 2020
T. Buchukuri, R. Duduchava, Shell equations in terms of Gunter’s deives, derived by the 􀀀-convergence, Accepted in: Georgian Mathematical Journal - 2020
T. Buchukuri, R. Duduchava, Solvability and numerical approximation of the shell equation derived by the Г-convergence, Accepted in: Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, 18 pages - 2020
T. Buchukuri, R. Duduchava, Thin shells with lipschitz boundary, Accepted in: Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, 150 pages - 2020
Shell equations in terms of Gunter’s derivatives, derived by the $\Gamma$-convergence - 2021
Laplace-Beltrami equation on a hypersurface with Lipschitz boundary - 2021
Solvability and numerical approximation of the shell equation derived by the $\Gamma$-convergence - 2021
- 01-01-1900
სამეცნიერო პროექტები  
ჰუმბოლდტის სტიპენდია - 1980-1981, 1968-1969 (2 years)
პროფესორი-მერკატორი - 2002-2003
Long-time dynamics of elliptic and parabolic systems involving anomalous diffusion and irreversibility - 2021-2024
ევროგაერთიანების სტიპენდია ქართველი მკვლევარებისათვის, 2023 - 2023
ანალიზური გეომეტრია-MATH1114 (  2019/2020; )
დიფერენციალური განტოლებები II-MATH3113 (  2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; )
დიფერენციალური განტოლებები I-MATH2113 (  2016/2017; 2018/2019; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; )
დიფერენციალური განტოლებები-MATH7014 (  2020/2021; 2021/2022; )
კერძოწარმოებულიანი დიფერენციალური განტოლებები II-MATH4121 (  2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2023/2024; )
კერძოწარმოებულიანი დიფერენციალური განტოლებები I-MATH4112 (  2017/2018; 2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2022/2023; )
კერძოწარმოებულიანი დიფერენციალური განტოლებები-MATH5003 (  2021/2022; 2023/2024; 2024/2025; )
მათემატიკა ბიზნესისა და ეკონომიკისათვის I-MATH1217 (  2016/2017; )
მათემატიკა ეკონომიკისა და ბიზნესისთვის II-MATH1216 (  2016/2017; )
მათემატიკა ეკონომიკისათვის II-MATH1410 (  2016/2017; )
მათემატიკა ეკონომისტებისათვის II-MATH1211E (  2017/2018; )
მათემატიკის რჩეული თავები-MATH5009 (  2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
მათემატიკისა და სტატისტიკის საფუძვლები-MATH1119E (  2018/2019; )
მათემატიკური ანალიზი I-MATH1112 (  2017/2018; 2020/2021; 2021/2022; )
მათემატიკური მეთოდები II-MATH1218 (  2017/2018; )
ოპერატორების თეორია და ოპერატორთა ალგებრები-MATH5002 (  2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024; )
საინჟინრო მათემატიკა II-EENG2202 (  2016/2017; )
საინჟინრო მათემატიკა II-EENG2202E (  2016/2017; )
საინჟინრო მათემატიკა-MATH5114 (  2016/2017; )
უმაღლესი მათემატიკის რჩეული თავები-MATH5116 (  2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2019/2020; )
უმაღლესი მათემატიკის რჩეული თავები-MATH7012 (  2020/2021; 2021/2022; )
ფუნქციონალური ანალიზი-MATH2221 (  2020/2021; )
ფუნქციონალური ანალიზის რჩეული თავები-MATH5119 (  2018/2019; 2019/2020; )
კერძოწარმოებულიანი დიფერენციალური განტოლებები-MATH5003

რონალს დუდუჩავა- პროფესორი, აქვს მრავალ წლიანი გამოდილება პედაგოგიურ საქმიანობაში, აქვს გამოქვეყნებული მრავალი ნაშრომი და პუბლიკაცია.

ჩვენი სოციალური ქსელი
მისამართი: 77ა, მ. კოსტავას ქუჩა, თბილისი, 0171, საქართველო ტელ: 2 55 22 22; info@ug.edu.ge
სასარგებლო ბმულები
იყავი ინფორმირებული
იყავი მუდამ კავშირზე და მიიღე უახლესი ინფორმაცია
ყველა უფლება დაცულია © 2018, საქართველოს უნივერსიტეტი

იყავი ინფორმირებული
იყავი მუდამ კავშირზე და მიიღე უახლესი ინფორმაცია
ჩვენი სოციალური ქსელი
მისამართი: 77ა, მ. კოსტავას ქუჩა, თბილისი, 0171, საქართველო ტელ: 2 55 22 22; info@ug.edu.ge
სასარგებლო ბმულები
ყველა უფლება დაცულია © 2018, საქართველოს უნივერსიტეტი