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გაცვლითი პროგრამები

Mobility Direct Exchange Programme for Dentistry and Medicine Students of UG in Turkey
15 April 2020





Call for applications for Mobility Direct exchange program at the Biruni University (Turkey)

Students of Dentistry and Medicine will study one semester at the Biruni University (Fall Semester - 2020-2021 academic year)

See the webpage of the university - https://int.biruni.edu.tr/site/


The exchange program does not include:

·         Travel and Visa costs

·         Daily expenses and accommodation costs

In case of high academic performance, the University of Georgia fully funds the accommodation fees.


Study Offer


See the available courses at Biruni University here (the student must take minimum 30 ECTS in 1 semester):




Medicine: https://sis.biruni.edu.tr/oibs/bologna/start.aspx?gkm=012931100344043111436690366483770736684214636582344603333632240

After completion of the exchange semester the transfer of credits will be executed according to the UG’s credit system, thus the number of credits of a transferred subjects will correspond to the number of credits assigned to the appropriate subjects at UG.









Language Requirement


The students are able to study the courses in the English language during their exchange period. The students are required to submit a certificate of the English B2 level proficiency. In the absence of such a certificate the student must attend the online English language examination at UG



Required Documents


The students must submit the following documents:

·         Motivation Letter

·         CV (Europass format)

·         Reference letter from the appropriate School of UG

·         English or Italian language proficiency certificate

·         Passport

·         Reference letter from the appropriate School of UG - Please email the assistant of your School


Application Deadline


The student must submit the documents before May 25th on the following email address:  exchange@ug.edu.ge


Contact Person


For further information please address:

Nutsa Vepkhvadze


+995 557747097




The exchange program will only be possible in case the situation with the COVID-19 gets resolved by the Fall semester. Otherwise the mobility will be canceled.






ჩვენი სოციალური ქსელი
მისამართი: 77ა, მ. კოსტავას ქუჩა, თბილისი, 0171, საქართველო ტელ: 2 55 22 22; info@ug.edu.ge
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იყავი მუდამ კავშირზე და მიიღე უახლესი ინფორმაცია
ჩვენი სოციალური ქსელი
მისამართი: 77ა, მ. კოსტავას ქუჩა, თბილისი, 0171, საქართველო ტელ: 2 55 22 22; info@ug.edu.ge
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ყველა უფლება დაცულია © 2018, საქართველოს უნივერსიტეტი